The Hos Next Door
I watch reality TV.I know, it’s sad really. I’m pretty equal-opportunity too; it doesn’t really matter how awful it is, I’ll watch. American Idol, Big Brother, Project Runway. However, there is worse, and I do watch it. I admit it, I have a weird, inexplicable love for The Girls Next Door.
Everyone knows Hef, right? Millionaire owner and founder of the Playboy enterprise? The 80-year-old man who has 21-year-old girlfriends?

So what is the attraction? These three girls really are entertaining characters. Holly is just as goofy and she is glamorous, Bridget is as smart as she is busty, and Kendra’s personality is so different from the other two that you just have to see what she’ll do next. These are the kind of women that are fun to be around, if only for a little while, and if only to see just what they’re willing to say and do.
While I myself don’t find pornography (particularly that seen in Playboy) offensive, I know that there are lots of people who do. As far as I’m concerned, to each his (or her) own. If these girls want to pose nude, it’s their decision and who am I to tell them that they’re wrong? If men want to look at girls who posed willingly, who am I to say that they’re pigs?
I admit that the thought of dating a man who is four times my age is absolutely nauseating, but who am I to judge? Maybe they are the hos next door, and maybe they're not. It’s interesting television, my intelligence be damned. How much damage can thirty minutes a week do?*
*Granted, I watch far more than thirty minutes a week of mindless television, but we’re going to pretend like that isn’t the case.
I completely agree with you nic. The Girls Next Door is one of my guilty pleasures. I'll admit it. What can I say? It's entertaining and funny. And you're right about those girls being intelligent. It's stupid for people to take one look at them and turn their noses up because of who they are. That's one of my biggest pet peeves about the human race in general. We're all too quick to judge and most of the time we have absolutely no right in doing so. Did you see the episode where they all went on the View and the ladies were jerks to them? That's exactly what I'm talking about. It's their life, they can go out with an 80 year old man and pose nude in magazines if they want to. People should start worrying about themselves for a change and quit getting their panties in a twist about other people. Sorry, it just makes me really angry.
And who cares about intelligent TV programs? Mindless ones are oh so much more fun :). A little bit won't hurt ya nic, don't worry ;). Congrats on this new, awesome blog btw. I heart it!
Nic I love reality TV, and everytime I watch it I feel like a complete and utter loser! I'm all about the reality TV - Big Brother, Survivor, Project Runway, The Biggest Loser, and too many others to name. Although I have never seen The Girls Next Door, I have heard of the concept.
Does anyone really see the attraction here? Oh wait, I forgot he's a millionaire.....that in it self expains it all! The thing that bothers me most is the idea or intelligent woman playing the stupid blonde part. As I've never watched this show I'm not sure if that happens but knowing reality TV I would guess a little might.
I would agree that if you have the guts and the body to display each their own. Not to mention that the body used to be one of the most common art forms...although they didn't technically pose like that. It kills me that society doesn't accept the human body as a true art form anymore.
I heart mindless TV and watch far more of it than I should so I can definitely relate. I can't even imagine only watching the addictive mindless TV for only thirty minutes a week.....I need my smutty, unrealistic shows.
Loving the blog Nic dear, and I shall be a faithful reader....just poke me now and again when you update :)
Scrib: We do judge a lot, and it sucks. I'm guilty too! And I did see The View episode, and they basically blindsided these girls under the false pretense of being genuinely interested. It's plain rude. It's definitely good to see that I'm in good company!
Tiff: In watching the show, I think that Holly does have genuine feelings for Hef, though I'm not sure about the level of devotion of the other two girls. And I'm not so sure that they're playing the dumb blonde as much as having fun with it--besides, the show airs on E!, it's bound to be stupid.
I'm so glad to know that I'll have at least a couple of readers!
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