45 Ways to Cheer Yourself Up

We all have days when we feel blue or frustrated. Whatever the reason, I think it's important not to wallow in such negativity, but rather to make an effort to cheer yourself up. Read through the list, take the things you like, ignore the things you don't, and if you have suggestions of your own, share them in the comments.
1. Watch your favorite dance music video. Learn the dance. Perform endlessly. If you have a partner-in-crime, all the better. (Bradshaw, my college roommate, and I learned Fergie's dance in the "My Humps" video. There was much hilarity. To this day, when I hear the song on the radio, I catch myself doing the dance. While driving. It's incredible.)
2. Write a letter to your future-self. If it's handwritten, hide it somewhere that it will stay hidden for a while (the bottom of the sweater drawer, inside a pair of shoes you never wear, behind a framed photo). Alternatively, use futureme.org and have the letter emailed in the distant future.
3. Try a kitschy-fun new-to-you workout: yoga for the first time, strippercise, hula hooping. If you feel silly, you're doing it right.
4. Bake something. Sugar cookies, chocolate cupcakes, an elaborate layer cake - whatever tickles your fancy. Bonus points for sharing with others.
5. Watch your favorite movie from when you were a kid.
6. Celebrate your favorite holiday regardless of what the calendar says. Set off firecrackers and play with sparklers in October. Make yourself sick on a mound of candy in May. String up lights and watch The Santa Clause and Love Actually in March. Get creative!
7. Have friends over for dinner. Make something you cook like an expert or order your favorite takeout.
8. Search your wardrobe for work-appropriate clothes that are as close to pajamas as possible. That's not to say that you should look like a slob. My go-to for day when I feel less-than-stellar but must work: a knee-length denim skirt, tank top, and long cardigan with ballet flats. Add accessories as desired.
9. Drink a smoothie. Satisfying and healthy.
10. Browse the childrens section of a bookstore, best done when there aren't strange children present.
11. Make and eat a grilled cheese sandwich. Whether you go for the classic white-bread-and-American or something a bit fancier (mozzarella and tomato jam, cheddar and apple), there's something wonderful about toasty bread and oozy, melty cheese.
12. Sit outside and appreciate what the season has to offer. Even (especially) if it isn't your favorite season. Bundle up or strip down accordingly and keep your eyes open to the things that are always there.
13. Wear a face mask.
14. Do something touristy. Even my boring little town has a slightly touristy quirk. If you live in a city with lots of things to choose from, pick the cheesiest or most stereotypical (Gateway Arch, Space Needle, Liberty Bell, I'm looking at you).
15. Read your favorite book from when you were a little kid. Where the Wild Things Are, Green Eggs and Ham, The Monster at the End of This Book. Remember why it was your favorite.
16. Celebrate a funny holiday, even if you have to make one up. There's a silly holiday for every day of the year, I swear. Use Holidays for Everyday to find one you like and celebrate it to the extreme.
17. Call a friend. Laugh until your stomach hurts.
18. Plant something. If you live in an apartment, go for a kitchen herb or a hard-to-kill houseplant like a philodendron or an orchid. If you have a yard, choose whatever is seasonally-appropriate that catches your eye at the nursery.
19. Watch a movie that makes you laugh every time. (The Hangover, anyone?)
20. Change your scenery. Go to a different neighborhood or a new town. Changing your environment can change your state of mind as well.
21. Feng Shui your books by lining them up with the front edge of the shelf. Bonus: Less surface to dust.
22. Do a small part of a larger task you hate. Just wash the plates in that sink full of dishes, only vacuum your living room, weed half of the flowerbeds, give one of the cats her bath. You get the idea.
23. Spend time with a little kid. The only thing to take seriously is safety (seatbelts, please, and always keep little ones where you can see them). Really, guys, spending time with little kids is one of the most freeing and rewarding things in the world, even when it's your job.
24. Watch a musical. Sing along.
25. Do something for someone else. It's true that doing for others makes you feel better about yourself.
26. Listen to music too loud. Sing along. Dance the way you only dance when no one is looking. (Limit time spent here if you live in an apartment. Otherwise, keep it up until your ears ring and you can't catch your breath.)
27. Have a picnic, as simple or elaborate as you like. If it's cold or raining, make it a living room picnic.
28. Wear extra eyeliner.
29. Indulge the negativity, then move on. Record yourself or write it out, then crumple it up or dump it in the recycle bin. Let go of the emotion along with the evidence of it.
30. Cuddle something fluffy, even if it's a teddy bear.
31. Play a game. I'm fond of Scrabble and Monopoly: Here and Now (which are on my computer).
32. Have an orgasm by whatever means are convenient.
33. Go for a drive. I do some of my best thinking when I'm driving. Rolling down the windows is optional.
34. Paint your nails.
35. Wear something sparkly. Buy sparkly undies for occasions such as this.
36. Take a long, hot bath. Have a beverage while you soak. Listen to music, watch a movie on your laptop (on a safe, stable, water-free counter, please), read a book, or just lie there.
37. Sleep naked, preferably between crisp, freshly washed sheets.
38. Hand-write a letter to your bestie. Decorate it. Add confetti to the envelope and mail it.
39. Concentrate on learning about someone interesting: John Lennon, Audrey Hepburn, Al Capone, Princess Diana, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Nelson Mandela, Mohondas Gandhi.
40. Fantasize about something radical. Be a movie star, a Greek god, a princess, an Olympic gold medalist - whatever makes you feel amazing and powerful.
41. Be selfish. Ignore everyone else's problems and dramatics and just be you.
42. Curl up with a warm blanket, your favorite book, and a tasty hot beverage - hot cocoa, coffee, tea - that makes you feel cozy from the inside out.
43. Have a drink. Just one, and make it worthwhile.
44. Go people watching. Make up stories in your head to go with the people you see.
45. Smile. The classic fake-it-till-you-make-it. The act of smiling makes you feel better, even if it starts as a grimace.
Labels: inspiration, lists, personal growth
Within the last couple weeks I have done at least half of this list. Not kidding. And seriously, remembering the "My Humps" video just made me laugh out loud. I still do the dance too. :)
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