Tricks, Treats, and Randomness: Part One
Oh, Halloween. A night when little kids are hyped up on sugar and young women have an excuse to dress like sluts. Hey, I’ve done it, but you have to admit that it’s the truth.
The last couple of days have been pretty insane. I’m trying to finalize plans to go away for the weekend, everything decided to blow up in my face on Monday, and it just continued into last night. I have a bit of an ear infection* and I’ve been in a funk, so I decided that going out wasn’t the best idea. Plus, I have a theme party to go to Thursday night that I’ve been ordered to dress up for, so I’ll just consider it my Halloween this year. In any case, I spent much of my evening with the Gilmore Girls and the computer, trying to finalize the plans for this weekend. That is, trying to replace the person who decided five days before we were supposed to leave that she can’t go.
Despite the multitude of problems it has caused in my life, I still have instant messenger services on my computer, and I was using one to talk to a potential replacement for our trip, Racer Boy.** While he can’t go (which is unfortunate) we do share an interest in auto racing, and we got into a really interesting conversation, during which he admitted to testing my knowledge. Of course, that was silly, because I have vast knowledge in the subject. On the other hand, I managed to impress Racer Boy, something that I don’t think happens often, particularly when racing is the subject.
I should probably mention that the hour-long online conversation with Racer Boy was an amazingly effective way to procrastinate instead of finishing the homework for the class I skipped on Tuesday. Just as we were saying good night, another little window popped up. It was the girl who deserted us for this weekend’s trip. She has another pseudonym, but because I’m annoyed we’re going to refer to her as the Deserter.
By the end of that little conversation, my head was pounding, my hands were shaking, and I would swear there was smoke coming out of my slightly aching ears. She basically tried to transfer the blame all to me. She was irresponsible and didn’t make the proper arrangements to miss class the way the rest of us did. Instead of admitting to that, she said that I didn’t inform her of the plans properly, when the plans were still tentative to accommodate her schedule.
I was pissed off.
At this point I picked up my phone and called Bradshaw to inform her that everything was my fault, at least as far as the Deserter was concerned. I just give up.
The night got even stranger, but I think that reliving it all in one night might be just a bit too much for poor little me.
*I definitely went to the doctor on Monday before it even became an infection, she believed that I knew what I was talking about, and gave me a prescription anyhow. I woke up Tuesday dizzy and with a slight throbbing in my left ear.
**I would just call him Racer, but since that's the name of a family cat, it might be a little too weird. I would hate to confuse the two.
Labels: updates
I really feel like on Halloween they need to film a special news report showing the kids hyped up on candy. Perhaps this would make people think twice before attempting to have their own little sticky-fingered, booger picking bundle of joy. I would have to agree that of course girls use this wonderful holiday as an excuse to wear as little clothing as possible, but in all fairness wonder woman did only wear a t-shirt and underwear! We might as well live it up while we are young though, make these halloweens count by wearing horribly trashy costumes.
It's always so annoying when you have been planning something for months and when you finally get excited someone always manages to ruin it for you! One of my favorite situations, when the problem turns around and becomes your fault.....has happened to me many times.
By the way I love all of your little side notes at the bottom of your posts, they never fail to make me laugh.
Feel proud. I am smiling. Truly a difficult feat given the day I had yesterday. I always get happy when you give us updates on this thing. On second thought, you should feel extremely proud, given that this is a girl who has only just recently discovered blogs and their loveliness. And yours is quite lovely if I do say so myself...but I digress.
Yeah. Halloween. Meh.
Girls dress up like sluts, kids screech like banshees as they run down the streets, an excuse to get trashed, blah blah blah. I agree with you. But whatever, it's fine. I've dressed up in costumes of questionable appropriateness before, I was a kid once too, like I said: whatever, it's fine. Although I have to say that this year the stupid kids actually managed to make me feel guilty for not handing out candy. Stupid kids...
And oh how I love impressing unsuspecting people with my knowledge of various things. Especially boys. Though most of the boys I know are slightly defiecient in the knowledge department as it is, so the effect isn't quite as nice.
Flakes. Don't get me started. I've had more than one friendship be destroyed due to other people's flakiness. It sucks. And it sounds to me as though that friend of yours deserves a good telling off. But then again, I'm still in my cynical mood from yesterday, so that might be a little rash. Your decision though.
Wow, I can't wait for part two of you escapades, Nic. I think your life is more interesting than mine at the moment. Thanks for the grins. :)
Tiff: I'm happy that you enjoy the footnotes. They're there for clarity, but I'm glad they're entertaining!
Scrib: I suppose I should be proud of myself. You seem to be in quite a funk, but I do my best to at least entertain someone. And don't worry, I'm sure it will get wildly uninteresting again soon. Then we'll be back to TV commentary and the like.
Halloween does suck. I might still be in highschool and rather young at that, but I already hate Halloween. Just another night for teenagers to get drunk and run crazy. Besides, this year, some teenagers had the audacity to steal the candy (and the basket) that we had placed outside with a sign for trick-o-treaters. grrrrrrr
Your friend sounds really bad and not at all like a nice person. She deserves quite the telling off, but maybe it was just a misunderstanding. ah, well . . . I don't know any of the specifics of anything. I hope everything works out. :)
And I love showing up boys. Especially in sports. I love football and follow it and know a good deal about it and it's sort of funny to see boys' faces when you can hold your own in a football conversation.
Nic, I think I'm liking this blog thingy . . . . even if I only really discovered it like a ocuple days ago, but I think I'll be a faithful commenter, if you can call someone that. Anyways, your life is most definitely more interesting than mine and definitely much more amusing. ^_^
I'm glad you like it! And I'm glad that I can entertain someone!
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