Feeling Priomodial
When I got home from work last night at nearly one am, I could feel it coming. The squeezing, pushing feeling behind my eyeballs that just screamed, "I'm a migraine and I will make your life hell." This voice was gleeful in my head.My bottle of ibuprofen has been MIA since about April, batted, I believe, into the oblivion that shall henceforth be known as Under-the-Couch Land by the furry creatures that share my home. I tracked down a single 800 mg ibuprofen hiding in my medicine cabinet - why? - and took it, falling onto my couch and turning off my tv for the first time in literally weeks because the light mady my eyes feel like bleeding.
This morning, even after a shower so hot my skin is pink and half a cup of coffee that is sickeningly weak, I feel as if I'm dragging through sludge. I have to be at work in two hours, and before that I have to go to the bank and Target. Somehow I have managed to run out of face wash, shampoo, and coffee (sickeningly weak because it's all I have in the apartment) on the same day. This falls into the categories of "how did this happen" and "a big freaking problem" simultaneously.
Here's hoping that I manage to crawl out of the sludge.
Labels: everyday musings, my insanity
Migraines blow....so does being sick. Especially being sick and at work.
I'll update my own (and your previous one) soon enough.
I'm alive today. Be happy.
Oh man, weak coffee is the WORST. Especially when you really, really need it.
I hope your sludge is gone. :(
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