Saturday, July 26, 2008

Grand Plans

I hate getting up early. Passionately. If it was realistic for me to sleep till noon every day - and stay up until four in the morning - I would. Unfortunately, my career choice prevents that.* Still, being interrupted from my sleep in the early hours of the morning tends to make me cranky. When Marilyn tore across my legs, up over my desk, and into the window at 7:15 this morning, I knew what my typical reaction would have been: To scold her before rolling over and going back to sleep. Today, however, I got up. Because I have Grand Plans.

I've always been one for Grand Plans. The thing about it though, is that I usually don't manage to follow through with them. Things like cleaning my apartment and rearranging all the furniture, spending a summer getting into the kind of shape that makes girls jealous of you, or making a list of novels to read because someone told me they're all worth it. And I never finish it out. Today's Grand Plans, however, are on a smaller scale, designed to spoil myself after enduring a wretchedly foul mood at work last night.

After I put on some makeup** and shimmy into a little sun dress, I'm first going to the bank to deposit the lovely penance I get for being a book slave. I am then going to go find somewhere that will serve me a bagel and a cup of coffee and sit there, with my book, until I am bored or annoyed. Then, because I clearly love a good death sentence, I'm going to browse my way through Sephora, followed by a quick stop at Target for a few things (lotion with sunscreen and trash bags). On my way home, I will stop at the Quik Lube on the corner to get my oil changed. After all of that is finished, I will come home, where I will no doubt be ignored by the kitties, and take a nap.

And if my plans change? So what? Sometimes even the most carefully laid Grand Plans require revision.

*We're going to ignore the whole "she's technically unemployed" bit. Work with me!
**Yes, it is necessary. I don't go anywhere without makeup. I'm that girl.



At 10:09 PM, Blogger Bizz said...

*did nothing today*

HA! I love being right.


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