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It's time to show you what I've been reading lately! News, astrology, style, and, as always, fluffy stuffs. Enjoy!
Battle for the GOP's Soul
Lately, I've turned into an old man with my interest in politics - largely because I have too much free time. That said, I'm not usually able to read long articles about political parties without rolling my eyes or getting bored, and this was a huge exception. The author's insights about the problems facing the Republican party as a whole were, from my point of view, both interesting and insightful. The beginning of the article is rooted in the bygone local elections from Tuesday, but as you move past that, he evaluates the health and future of the GOP. I found this particularly interesting:
According to one recent survey from Public Policy Polling, 35 percent of GOP base voters think the party is too liberal even as 46 percent of independent voters label it too conservative. ...found major gulfs between Republican voters and conservative independents in their perception of President Obama, with the latter group especially turned off by the “socialist” accusations popular with the GOP base.
Sarah Palin's Lost Speeches
I share with you, without comment, the victory and concession speeches prepared for Sarah Palin with the intention of being read on election night.
Obama Foodorama
The blog's focus on the food - both that consumed and the policy discussed - in the White House is absolutely sincere if slightly overzealous, at least to me. Still, it is interesting to focus on something that is political without being quite so contentious. Plus, I like food and cooking and pretty pictures, all of which are present here. The posts about the White House Halloween are particularly charming.
Mrs. O is a charming look at Michelle Obama's sartorial choices, and since my taste is in the same realm as hers, I like it. It doesn't matter that she's older than my mom: I totally want to raid her closet, if for the cardigans alone.
I've linked to Mystic Medusa before as well, but as my astrology obsession rears it's head again, so does my enthusiasm for her site. Since the Sun is in Scorpio, she has a few pertinent posts for the Scorpios in our midst (like Bradshaw, whose birthday is tomorrow!) including Hi-Lo Astro: Haute Scorpio, Low Scorpio. Searching the D.I.Y. Astro tag is also good for eating up an hour or two of your time as you analyze your astrological chart.
Dealbreaker offers up a healthy dose of the snark, which we know I love. Typically, some of the stuff is far funnier than other stuff, but just browsing their archive is good for a laugh or two.
*Original photo credit can be found at my Tumblr. Lyrics in the photo are by Duffy.
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Love the Obama Food one! XD Which may or may not have a lot to do with the whole hot chef thing.
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