Things I Love Thursday

America's Queen: The Life of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis by Sarah Bradford; pretty autumn leaves; Puck's odd sleeping positions; the sound of rain; Read My Pins, a book by Madeline Albright about her use of pins in politics; chicken salad on croissant; incredibly cute kittens; wide open windows; corn muffins; "vintage" television; meeting incredibly nice people; feeling needed; anonymity; thoughtful neighbors who bring me dinner (these neighbors are also known as Mom and Dad).

Glee; long, detailed conversations regarding astrology; meeting childrens' author Kate Klise; excellent espresso, something I haven't been able to get since moving back to Small Town; physical exertion; the mind and social dysfunctionality of Gregory House; "shut up and write"; exfoliating with Optimism; cashmere weather; Gossip Girl; my cute new bag from Giant Bookstore - and the fact that it was a gift.

Holding out hope for snow (Small Town is just far enough north of College Town that we get more snow; my personal proof of global warming); The Daily Beast; defeating Bowser and executing a double fist pump while having a conversation with my dad (I have Super Mario World on compy); the now far-reaching legend of the chocolate Guinness cupcakes; Project Runway night, though it isn't the same without Bradshaw on the couch next to me, and I'm still not completely used to it; Twinings Lady Grey; physical exertion; the sound of typing; attempts to follow my dreams; conserving makeup; reading things outside of my ordinary and expanding my knowledge; spending a day with my favorite Giant Bookstore manager.

Smiling; discovering treasures; an opportunity to browse; gaining perspective; anticipation of making birthday cakes and holiday goodies; finding good use for all of my college sweatshirts that I no longer wear on a day-to-day basis; drinking coffee; whipped yogurt - and sharing it with Marilyn; the bookshelf in my living room and the reasons for the things on it; rewriting history; being Little Red Riding Hood; forcing myself not to get caught up in the details; the hope that my shower will be fixed within a week; judging via text message.
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Anticipation of birthday celebrations; identical text messages from you and Glycerine last night (that said "FINALLY!"); concerts that I plan on attending alone (hello Paramore); Starbucks Friday; my purse rattling like an old lady's because of all the change in the bottom; planning road trips with my sister; baking; pretty leaves.
Are you being Little Red Riding Hood for Halloween? I love that!! :D If that's what that means... haha.
This is one of those weeks where circumstances make it pretty damn hard for me to be positive about the things in my life, but I *did* go to a pretty amazing concert last night. So there's that, anyway. :) And now I'm going to go make a huge pot of coffee to help me with this mild hangover. rofl
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