Tuesday, September 29, 2009

This Week I've Learned...

...that telling my father, "I have a fridge full of naked lemons," will garner an amusing reaction.

...that sometimes, if you give someone the benefit of the doubt, you will be pleasantly surprised.

...that animal stories will, without fail, make me cry.

...that my body knows it's supposed to be up before 6 am on Tuesdays.

...how rarely appearance matters when considering an animal, neither yours nor theirs.

...that the way to have your expectations met is to lower them - even when you know you shouldn't have to.

...that there truly is nowhere else in the world where I am as comfortable as in my Grandma's home.

...that wish fulfillment has its place in my growth as a person.

...that roasted garlic is one of the world's perfect foods.

...how glorious a day that starts next to a purring cat can be (and how much better they've been, for me, than waking up next to a man).

...that often when I question myself, I come back to the knowledge that I've been right all along.

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At 10:33 AM, Blogger Dollface said...

These are great life lessons... and naked lemons, hahaha xxxooo

At 1:38 PM, Blogger Bizz said...

Totally with you on the garlic thing. I don't even care if it makes my breath reek. Effing worth it.

Loff you! <3

At 8:36 AM, Blogger Ann said...

I learned that I actually do like oatmeal for breakfast....does this make me old? Don't answer that.


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