Things I Love Thursday

Thursday dance!
Having my parents home Don't get me wrong, I'm more than grateful that I don't live with my parents: That would be disastrous for all three of us. That said, I'm glad they're home from vacation. I like looking out my window and seeing lights in their house that I didn't turn on. Plus, my mom's a pretty cool chick.

Stories that draw you in I almost never do only one thing at a time (I am a master of multi-tasking), so finding something that draws me in completely is a little bit special. It makes me smile.

Being a music teacher I am not an impressive singer. Really, I should limit myself to "Happy Birthday", Christmas carols, and singing in the car when I'm by myself. Monday, I was an elementary music teacher forced to teach first and second graders a new song. Singing in front of little kids isn't embarrassing in the least, and watching them catch on after the third or fourth time was actually a lot more entertaining than I expected. Good times.

Extra credit peppermint tea before bed; super-cozy pink blankets; sweet potatoes made spicy; my mom's vacation photography - so pretty; super-purr Puck; mixing eye shadows to make lovely new shades; getting compliments on cute shoes; clean dishes - hate washing them, like when they're all clean; "Time Warp"; maple syrup; The Tudors - I have to say, I'm impressed with their skill with aging the actors, though Henry Cavill looks much better in real life than as a middle-aged man; cooler weather, even if it does mean waking up with a cold nose; Hawk - I'm glad I know him because he makes me smile; beginning the Truth Project; discovering silliness that makes me really happy; cooking with garlic; wearing purple; reading things that make me think, even when I don't agree with them completely; waking up and not remembering my dream, but knowing that it was interesting all the same; Away We Go.
I loved your lists last week! Share, share, share, kittens!
Labels: TILT
Today I love:
-Wearing contacts, even if it is only for a few hours a day
-Pretty colors on the trees
-Words you make up in g-chat
-The pumpkin spice latte I will be getting for Starbucks Friday tomorrow.
Okay, here we go:
-driving past little girls playing in the leaves
-pumpkin carving - although I somehow managed to get pumpkin guts down my top
-the upcoming HP & The Deathly Hallows
-Oreo Caramel apples
-making Halloween plans with friends
-text message conversations with cute boys
-reading blog entries
-pumpkin ravioli
-'Little Lion Man' by Mumford & Sons
Aw! You loooooove me!
And now for the list of things I'm loving right now:
-Having a job, even though I'm not a huge fan of said job
-Being on a 2:30am-10:30 sleep schedule
-The fact that I've made your list 3 times in the past 2 months.
-Playing Fallout 3 again.
-Being able to use my space heater in my room
-The new Stars album
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