
Are there any happy couples left in Hollywood? Hell, are there any left in America? Okay, my parents, but they aren’t famous, so they don’t count. So I dedicate today's post to mourning Reese and Ryan.
I love Reese and Ryan. They’re both beautiful, and they’re both good at what they do. Besides, I’m pretty sure that I’ll never get tired of watching Legally Blonde or Cruel Intentions. It just seems like all those couples you thought were going to last are breaking up. Brad and Jennifer. Hilary and Chad. Barbie and Ken. And now we send Reese and Ryan to the Hollywood relationships cemetery.
Rest in peace, Hollywood relationship # 4,582,906. Cruel Intentions will never be the same.
So I don't really follow popular culture much, but I do glance at the headlines . . . and I agree with you: Reese and Ryan looked like a couple that would be arond for a while. But apparently not. America's morals have gone to the wind (but hasn't it always been like this), and we are still none the wiser. It's kinda sad that a land for the pursuit of happiness can't manage to create a single, famous, happy couple. At least not in Hollywood.
But life goes on. Even if Ryan and Reese don't.
I cried.
Okay, so that's a lie, but I was definitely sad. I mean, come on, Reese and Ryan? What the heck. I give up. I'm just gonna start preparing myself now for a divorce from my future husband. No use being naive about it. At least it won't be a total shock.
I'm serious, I really thought these two would make it. They were one of my favorites. And yeah, Cruel Intentions...totally one of my all-time favorite movies. I can watch that movie 50 times in a row and never get sick of it. You're right. It's never going to be the same :(.
I guess now we get to look forward to tabloid covers splashed with titles like, "the new blonde in Ryan's life", or "Reese seen with mystery Hollywood hunk."
Yay. *waves flag sarcastically*
R.I.P. Reese and Ryan...I will miss them. :(
I can honestly say that I am sick and tired of hearing about more and more Hollywood divorces. I spent three years of high school as the Hollywood Gossip Girl and spent many hours reading about the newest break-ups in Hollywood. I'm tired of people cheating, lying, and generally giving up on their marriages. I realize that I don't really know these people and I have no idea what happens behind closed doors; but I really feel like too many couples just give up these days.
I think that Reese and Ryan were such a cute couple, and I really thought they were going to make it through unscathed. I do have to say that the Brad/Jennifer divorce shook me pretty hard, in my mind they were the ideal couple. Umm.... yeah what the hell is with Barbie and Ken? Apparently we feel the need to teach children that turning in your boyfriend for a younger more muscled version is totally acceptable.
Nic, my parents are still together too, after twenty-seven years together. It can be done, but it's not easy, and most people would rather give up than work for their marriage to work. It's all so sad and I worry about how my life will end up when and if I decide to ever take the plunge. Hopefully I will not enter the relationship cemetary as well.
Poor Reese and Ryan, I wonder what went wrong?
I think I know who the next couple-we-thought-would-stay-together who will break up will be.
Justin and Cameron.
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