Friday Night
Thursday, I called my life boring. Friday, my life proved me wrong.After over nine inches of frozen precipitation fell (snow and sleet over ice), I decided to spend my day cleaning and lounging around my apartment. A friend of Bradshaw’s was having a belated twenty-first birthday party that we’d been planning to go to, and a little bit of snow and ice certainly wasn’t going to stop us.

My final destination was only about two blocks away, so I intended to walk. I had just stepped outside when Dread, who lives across the street, called and offered to walk with me. As we walked, he laughed at me walking tipsily through the ice and snow.
When we arrived it was still early, so there weren’t many people around. I drank most of my liquor very quickly while watching a rousing game of liquor pong.* I decided that I wanted to

It was a fun evening, but nothing really remarkable happened. Since Dread was my big, scary escort, I left when he did, earning even more laughs for slipping on the ice while drunk than I did while tipsy. He walked me to my building, and not two minutes after I walked inside I realized I had a text message. K had finally responded. I wasn’t interested in texting back and forth—because I was too drunk to play coy—so I just called him.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Lying on my bed being drunk.” Fuck subtlety, right?
“Well, you should come over.”
I scoffed. “Even if I did feel like digging my car out of the snow—which I don’t—I cannot drive. I am drunk.”
“I could come and get you,” he offered.
“Are you serious?”
We went back and forth for a bit, then I finally agreed.
Once we got to his apartment, he put in some movie and we both changed and laid down. We didn’t pay any attention to it, but get your mind out of the gutter—nothing happened. I talk a lot when I sober, but when I’m drunk I stop caring if it’s annoying or if I’m interrupting something. I talked through the entire movie.
I’ll be honest, I enjoy aggressive boys, or at least boys with the initiative to do what they want. K has no initiative. Nothing happened. We slept, we woke up, he brought me home on the surprisingly still-icy roads.
When I got home I had tangled hair, an extreme craving for a huge glass of water, and four new numbers on my phone—one of which I have no recollection of saving. I spent today napping and watching Gilmore Girls and movies on TV. No matter what the final outcome, it was still a hell of a night.
*Liquor pong is just like beer pong, but the cups are filled with mixed drinks instead of beer. While I’m sure it’s been played other places, this apartment is rather infamous for it.
Hah! So you did fall? Or almost? lol. Drunk people falling is the greatest thing ever. Sounds like you had a fun night there. ;) Yikes! Liquor pong? Gah! No way you could rope me into that pong is bad enough. *shudders*
I am quite proud that I am not a drink and dialer. Probably saved myself from some very embarrassing situations. But it sounds like you had fun with this K person. But I'm like you. Aggressive boys are way more fun. ;) Haha. You be careful on those icy roads drunkie! Wouldn't want to fall, now would you? Hehe. :)
Nic, let me tell you the image of you falling on your ass on the ice (drunk or not) makes me giggle!*Nic Dance* That was for the massive amounts of updates! YAY!!!! I will slowly make my way through them!
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