Monday, November 27, 2006

Top Ten Good Things About Living Alone

I got this idea from Brooke's post of the same topic, so thanks to her.

1. No one is around to move things in my bathroom (including the curling iron, my makeup bag, and the razor in the shower).
2. I can watch TV naked, sit at my computer naked, sleep naked, get ready in the morning naked—-all without the fear of anyone walking in on me.
3. There isn’t anyone around to comment on my television habits and turn the channel, even if I’ve gotten sucked into the brain-rotting garbage on E! (which I love) or have been watching Gilmore Girl DVDs for four hours straight.*
4. I can season all of my food however I want—which is usually extra spicy.
5. I can leave dirty dishes in my sink as long as I want without grossing out anyone but myself.
6. No one is around to dispute my future plans for an all-pink bedding set.
7. I can nap at any hour, for any length of time, completely uninterrupted.
8. I can spend hours online without anyone bothering me to share.
9. Dirty laundry can live anywhere—which means it leaves where it lands when I take it off.**
10. If I’m not going anywhere all day, I can skip showering and go sans-makeup without any repercussions.

My apartment was dubbed "The Gutter" this evening by Bradshaw, Dread, and myself. We were chatting and every other comment led us to think of something dirty--because our minds are in the gutter. I tend to comment that I live in the gutter, and now the phrase is true.

*I've been known to watch Gilmore Girls for far longer than four hours at a time. I love that I can do that without listening to anyone bitch about my girly television obsession.

**The way this post was written might lead you to believe that I spend all of my time naked. This isn't entirely true, although I'm rarely fully clothed while I'm at home.



At 7:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice list. the gutter . . . lol :)

At 11:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I may not live alone, but I do spend a great deal of time alone during the day, and I can relate. It is so nice knowing that I will all day to whatever the hell I want, however the hell I want! Great list, it made me laugh!

At 1:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can totally relate to this. So true. I love number one. I HATE it when people move my stuff around. Especially my bathroom stuff. If you want to piss me off, do that. I do number 5 often. But I usually cave and do them before they get too bad. But its nice knowing you COULD leave them there like that for two weeks if you wanted. I would never do that, but its the idea that counts. Number 9. Yeah. My room is evidence of this. Seriously. The floor is just fine for those clothes thank you very much. How's living in the gutter, by the way? I must admit, I visit often, but living there? You must lead an interesting life! lol. :)

At 3:22 AM, Blogger nicalyse said...

The Gutter is, indeed, a fun place to live. Quite comfortable, despite the name, and certainly relaxing.


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