Things I Love Thursday

Happy Thursday! My list of loveliness:
Cooler weather This week I added blankets to my bed and turned on the heater. I like being cozy. Hoodies and cardigans and scarves and coats and throw blankets and fuzzy slippers - all good.
The Tudors The final season was an excellent combination of horrific deaths and sex scenes that, I believe, approach the world of soft-core porn (and here come the google searches). By my (probably incomplete) count, there were two weddings, three beheadings, one burning-at-the-stake, a war with France, and one man being hanged, drawn, and quartered. Michael Hirst, the writer-creator, also knows his Tudor-era torture methods, including fingernail removal, tooth pulling, and the rack. I listen to those scenes more than I watch them; they turn my stomach. Ooo, and ghosts! At least four of those. Torture and death aside, watching The Tudors makes me want to wear brocade gowns, oversized accessories, and tiaras.

Being warm from the inside out Coffee, tea, cider, cocoa - hot beverages make me feel all cozy. I am, clearly, into coziness this week.
Voting It makes me feel all responsible and stuff. A couple of things that I felt passionate about were successful, so I'm going to choose to be pleased. I also had the privilege of discussing an issue with someone with opposite beliefs; this was a privilege because, while we disagreed, he was an idiot and I trounced him with my logic. I think we're all aware of how much I like winning, and this was both a win and a demonstration of my intellectual superiority. It's like a super-win.

The Lost Hero I cannot tell you how excited I was to discover that Rick Riordan is again exploring Greek and Roman mythology with his new Heroes of Olympus series. I love mythology, and I've written before about how masterfully Riordan incorporates it into his stories. So much happy.

This and that coffee ice cream; being so busy that time passes extra-quick; catching the "Treehouse of Horror" episodes of The Simpsons - they're really the best ones; a weekend spent with a cozy blanket and my DVD player; gchats with Bradshaw and Hawk; "I'll buy you one, baby." "Did you just call me baby?"; male posturing; sweet potatoes - I think I'm going to challenge myself to find three different, tasty ways to cook them; playing music from "The Rocky Horror Glee Show" really loudly, then going to work and singing "Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch Me" under my breath all night; realizing that I come first alphabetically in the list of people in my hometown with my surname (yes, I'm related to them all, and yes, this is silly - I'm easily amused, kittens); being responsible for the "yay!" on the other end of a phone call; making someone amusingly uncomfortable without speaking; downloading oodles of music, looking at the stars - it's easy to forget they're up there, but they're gorgeous.
Tell me, kittens, what's making you dance and smile this week?
Labels: TILT
The Rocky Horror Glee show was awesome!
Okay - and this weeks list goes as follows:
-Glee: I watched one episode this week and I might be hooked.
-Hot Chocolate with Bailey's
-'Strip Me' by Natasha Bedingfield
-filling up the November calendar with oodles of social events
-chocolate mint truffle creamer
-watching the food network
-Lemon chicken with rice soup
-handing out candy to little kids in costumes
-getting a surprise voicemail from the best friend
-Reading this blog, and Bradshaw's at work!! < the best of them all.
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