Thursday, November 09, 2006

Gang Bangers and Country Sangers

I know it’s a little late, but I promised to give an update on Bradshaw’s themed birthday party, so here goes.

I missed Grey's Anatomy so that Bradshaw could dress me as a gangbanger. Considering that I’m a tiny girl from a small town in Missouri, my knowledge of “gangbanger-wear” is limited, but it was decreed by the birthday girl that I couldn’t attend the bash dressed as a “country sanger.” I ended up in white track pants that were three sizes too big over Carolina blue boxers, and a three or four sizes too-big UNC sweatshirt with a Carolina blue bandana covering my left eye and the top of my uber-straight hair. Let me tell you, I was an impressive thug.*

Once we arrived at the party, I was ridiculously amused by Dread**, another St. Louis brat, dressed in Wranglers and a plaid shirt. Oh, the teasing he will endure.

It quickly became clear by the number of people in attendance that my tequila would be safe only if it was in my sight all evening, so Jose was my party date. The Cuervo was not being mixed either. Straight sips directly from the not-cold bottle. De-licious, let me tell you.

There were people at this party who knew none of the residents of the apartment, nor did they know the birthday girl. How they knew to dress up has yet to be determined. There were loud drinking games, intense beer pong tournaments, and dancing on tables.

Quote of the night, a comment from Racer Boy to Dread. Dread was complaining about the tightness of his not-so-tight Wranglers. “They aren’t tight until you can distinguish the outline of each individual testicle.” A true statement. I know, I am from the country.

My night didn’t get any crazier than teasing Dread and very mild flirting with Racer Boy before I went home early. I had to be up at six the next morning to drive quite some distance, so I hugged Bradshaw, praying that she wouldn’t spill her Crown and Coke down my back, then walked he two blocks home in the brisk November air. I ate some Easy Mac (don’t judge, I’m a college student), downed a glass of water, washed my face, and collapsed into my bed.

*As impressive as a 4’10” thug with perfectly manicured fingernails and full makeup could ever be.

**So named because he used to have dreadlocks. And because he’s huge and a defensive lineman for a fairly large university. And he looks scary. However, there are photos of his Wrangler-covered ass that he will forever be teased for.

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At 9:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wow. That's hilarious. Sounds like you had an interesting evening nic. Oh my god, your outfit had me cracking up. So great. And nice with the tequila. lol. Straight from the bottle, eh? Braver than I am. God, and I know exactly what you're talking about with the random people showing up. Seriously, how the hell does that happen? It's one of life's greatest mysteries, I swear.

So, the testicle comment...friggin hilarious. Beer pong...omg. I havent played that in forever it feels like. Could be the fact that I suck horribly at it though, which always ends bad. Easy Mac, huh? Niiiiice. You're definitely a college kid.

Great stuff. Made me laugh. Cant wait to see what happens next in nic's crazy world!! =)

At 10:03 PM, Blogger nicalyse said...

Your comment is cracking me up. I blame Facebook for the random people. I don't play beer pong either (I suck), but it's even more fun when Bradshaw is playing liquor pong. Yes, it's exactly what it sounds like.

Best thing I heart all week, the testicle comment. And seriously, it's true.

At 1:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As always I don't know where my strange thoughts come from, but they sometimes pop out, bear with me! My eyes caught sight of Grey's Anatomy and then this description of gangbangers. Can you tell where my thought process is going yet? Yup that's right I got a mental image of the cast dressed as gangbangers, even Bailey!

I can imagine you with your oh so lovely attire and ruggedly attractive bottle date man thingy. I love going to parties where no one actually knows the birthday girl, and it's possible that they dress up that way daily hunting for gangbanger parties. The testicle comment disturbs me, and a very unflattering image will be scared in my mind forever!

On that note, it sounded like an entertaining night, and as well all know, entertaining nights must end with Easy Mac!

At 7:10 PM, Blogger nicalyse said...

Easy Mac makes sure that you aren't regretting the entertaining night when you have to get up at 6 the next morning to drive an hour-and-a-half.


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