Tuesday, November 14, 2006

It's All About Atmosphere

If you’ve ever talked to me, you know I love coffee. If you’ve read this blog, you’ve probably figured it out as well.

Tuesday is my long day, and after spending two-and-a-half hours staring at a computer screen with the unfinished WebQuest mocking me, I decided that I deserved a reward, and as far as rewards go, gingerbread lattes are high on the list.

While waiting for my delicious beverage, I sat at a table and soaked in the coffee shop atmosphere. The man in the corner, camped out with his venti cup and clackety laptop. The two ladies chatting over their decaf mochas. The barista behind the counter teasing his co-worker for being from St. Louis (a man after my own heart). I was so absorbed in the Christmasy surrounds and the sounds of the shop that I almost jumped out of my black ballet flats when my name was called.

I left the shop in a good mood, clutching the hot cup as I drove home, listening to my Christmas mix for the first time this season.



At 10:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Christmas music and coffee? Sounds like a perfect day to me. :) Except for the homework thing....ew. I love coffee shops. There's something very relaxed about them. I could spend hours in there reading a book or chatting with a friend. The word therapeutic comes to mind. Ah, who am I kidding, any place that has coffee is therapeutic to me.

Christmas + coffee = love. :)

At 11:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no not another computer project mocking you, you know how to handle that now ;) Coffee + Christmas music = great day!

At 11:25 PM, Blogger nicalyse said...

scrib: coffee + Nic = love

Cat: give coffee a chance...trust me

Tiff: fucking computer...


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