Why I Hate Autumn
Autumn is my least favorite season. Everyone fawns over the so-called pretty colors and crisp air, but I genuinely couldn’t care less. Besides, I live in Missouri—most of the leaves turn brown. Not only are the colors lacking in my part of the country, I’m missing the whole crisp air thing too. It rains in autumn where I am, and, frankly, that sucks.I love rain when I’m curled up inside in comfy clothes with a cup of coffee and a good book, or when I’m tucked away in my bed, lulled to sleep by the sound of raindrops against my window. As long as I’m indoors, I love rain. Hell, I don’t even mind driving in the rain as long as the windshield wipers can keep up. I like walking outside in summer rain, when the cool drops cut through the humidity in the atmosphere. Rain can clear, clean, soothe. Unfortunately, it wasn’t doing any of those things today.
First, a bit of background. I only live about three blocks from campus, but the wrong side of campus for my class buildings, meaning that I walk about half a mile to get there. To be perfectly honest, I’m lazy, so I have a parking pass, which allows me to drive to a parking lot that cuts my walk down to less than five minutes instead of the fifteen it is from my apartment. However, I do not have my parking pass right now,* which forces me to walk to class. When I woke up and saw that it was raining, I was less than pleased.
I dressed in what I thought were clothes appropriate for the weather (jeans, t-shirt, a lavender polar fleece jacket, running shoes), put my hair up, grabbed my umbrella, and left behind the

Two hours later, it was time to make the return trip home. The good news: I was fifteen minutes away from warmth and dry clothes. The bad news: The wind was blowing in my face and I swear it had gotten both windier and colder. By the time I got home, the front of my jeans was visibly wet, my sensitive ears were bright red, and I had the sniffles. I immediately dropped the umbrella in the bathtub (useless piece of junk) and removed all of my clothes—because everything was wet. I changed into sweats and a thermal shirt and drank a cup of coffee while warming some chicken noodle soup. I was still cold after the first bowl of soup, so I wrapped myself in a blanket and spent thirty minutes on my couch doing nothing but concentrating on being warm. It did work, eventually.
Is it any wonder that I fucking hate autumn?
*I would tell the story but it’s not very interesting and I come out of it looking like an ass.
**The exception: When it’s 96 degrees with 84% humidity in the middle of August and you would pay someone to blow cool air in your face because it’s so disgustingly hot.
Labels: weather
Aw, nic! That blows. No pun intended. Okay, that made sense in my head. Anyways, I'm sorry you had a crappy, cold, rainy, wet day. :(
I love rain, but I'm exactly like you. Only when I'm not out in it. Especially if it's cold, or if I'm inappropriately dressed. It doesnt rain much here, but when it does it comes without warning. So I'll go to class and it will be sunny and I'll come out to discover it's pouring, everything is soaked, and I'm wearing damn flip flops. Ones that slip and slide at the merest contact with liquid. I'm sure you know what I speak of. So I end up making an ass of myself on those days by almost falling or walking along at a snails pace cause I'm scared of falling. It sucks.
Autumn here isnt too bad weather-wise. It's winter that sucks. I hate the damn cold. Screw cold. Thats what I say. Screw it! As for autumn, just give it a good punch in the face. That should show it what's up ;).
Off to punch autumn right now.
Oh, you poor thing! I hate Autumn too! It's boring here. Don't worry, I feel exactly the same way about rain :)
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