Take Me As I Am

I think most of us have seen the Dove ads that utilize real, average-sized women instead of models to highlight their products as well as encourage the self-images of women everywhere. Someone gave me the link to the Dove website and asked me to watch the video, which I did. An interesting conversation followed, while several ladies discussed the ideal of beauty and perfection that exists in our society today.
I primp a lot. I wear full makeup every day (foundation, powder, blush, eyeliner, eye shadow, and mascara), curl or straighten my hair, shave my legs, pluck my eyebrows, floss my teeth, and paint my toenails. I buy expensive facial products, have an (small) array of hair products, use whitening toothpaste, love bubble baths, and crave a shopping spree at Sephora. All of that is meaningless though, unless I like who I am on the inside.
Yes, I like to be pretty. I love it when I can finally coerce my ridiculously straight hair into falling in pretty waves down my back. I love it when a combination of diligent skincare and perfectly applied makeup gives the illusion that my skin is porcelain. I would be thrilled with a flatter stomach and slightly longer legs. But none of that means anything in the real world, the world where my mind and my words get me further than my looks. Sure, looks help, but I believe that intellect and personality will eventually win out.
I hate boys a lot of the time, but I do want to be married one day. When I do get married, this man is going to have to deal with a lot: mood swings, picked fights, a desire for both attention and privacy…morning breath, blotchy skin, hairy legs. I’ll be lucky to have someone who loves me despite my “flaws.”
I haven’t met that man yet, which is why I’m off to soak in a bubble bath, followed by full-body moisturizing, eyebrow plucking, and tooth flossing.
Labels: everyday musings, girl stuff
I love those Dove ads, the moment I first saw them I fell in love with them! I also take my time to make myself look presentable, and have drawers filled with various make-up. In fact I have so many different eyeshadows that it looks like a rainbox exploded in my bathroom drawer.
I agree with what you say about it's meaningless if you don't know who you really are. I spent all of high school trying my best to make my outward appearance look the best it could, however I neglected the inside and ended up lost and confused. I spent the last year and a half really soul searching, and I'm finally content with who I am when I look in the mirror; inside and out. I looked at myself really hard and decided to do things for myself, I was going to change myself because I wanted too.
Oh yes my future husband will have quite the woman to deal with, hopefully he can love me despite all of my faults, otherwise we don't belong together. For the time being I'm going to continue to focus on myself though, you can't be happy with someone until you are happy with yourself.
Okay, so my retarded computer apparently has issues with playing videos. I'm pissed. But, since I'm an adult, I'll suck it up and move on. Just know that I am grumbling at the moment. ;)
I have seen those commercials. I love them. It's a wonderful idea really. Our society is so ignorant about beauty. It kinda makes me sick. Granted, I'm guilty of a little primping myself. Nothing major. It's just something we all do for the most part. I go to the salon every so often to get my hair done, blah blah, do my makeup, make sure I look presentable, etc. I cant imagine not doing it. But it doesnt make me who I am. And I'm really glad I know that.
Oooo bubble bath. I havent had one of those in forever. More of a shower person. But that sounds nice right now. Geez nic, you're good at making me crave things I've noticed...lol.
Tiff: I managed to confine the eyeshadow rainbow to a bag. Go me!
Scrib: Damn boys.
Eh, I'm old. I have given up on the make up unless its an actual event.
Eh, also apparently senile. Forgot to hit the botton on the coffee pot.
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