Lists: Because I’m Lazy
Things I’ve Done in the Last Twelve HoursFinished a final project for an education technology class
Been educated quick and dirty style in graphic novels
Cleaned the last of the ice off my car (finally)
Wished my eyes were lasers—the better to destroy the alarm clock
Things I Need to Do in the Next Twelve Hours
Write an etiological myth*
Watch Gilmore Girls**
Write a proposal for a paper
Do dishes, vacuum, scrub the bathroom—basically, clean my whole apartment
Wrap presents
Things I Want to Do Instead
Watch more Gilmore Girls
Browse blogs
Nap more
*I already know what I’m writing, I just have to get it down. I’m doing the etiology for snow, which is going to be a gift to mortals from a yet unnamed goddess, daughter of Aphrodite and Zeus. I’m pleased with it.
**Yes, this is indeed a need, not a want. I need my weekly dose of Gilmore.
Labels: lists
Hah. Things I should be doing besides looking at nic's blog: Studying, writing papers, reading, studying, more writing of papers, and, oh yeah, more studying. :) I'm obviously doing a fantastic job so far. Oh, and I'm watching Gilmore Girls while writing this right now. It's scary how productive I am. Seriously, you should take notes. ;)
graphic novels . . . I've officially been banned from them by my mom . . . she claims they corrupt your mind or something or the other . . .
Delta, that's untrue. There are as many different kinds of graphic novels as there are other novels, you just have to be willing to look.
Or, so I was told yesterday.
I agree with you Nic, but my mom was a teacher in Taiwan and over there (and back then), they were all supposedly bad. It's hard to change someone's deep impressions, so to make life easier, I've given up reading them, at least until I'm out of the house. ;)
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