Back in Commission
Four months ago, I disappeared from the blogosphere. Where I went really isn’t important, nor is it terribly interesting. The point is, I would like, very much, to get back to my regular blogging habit. It’s cathartic to write on a daily basis, and it’s nice to know that someone, somewhere, is reading something that I wrote – no matter how insipid it might be. So, as long as the apathy that has been so insistent lately doesn’t take this over too, consider me back in the blogging business.Since I’ve been gone for four months, I think I will give you the highlights of my life since you last heard from me.
K scared the hell out of me. One evening, we were chatting online, both avoiding homework. I mentioned that I was heading home for a wedding. He said that he had just watched his brother get married and was ready to find someone and settle down. I nearly choked on my ice water, then made some smartass comment. He then told me that he was serious. I told him that I was far too young to be thinking about things like that and that I thought he was crazy for doing so himself. I then walked away from the computer and basically cut all ties. No, he certainly wasn’t saying that he wanted to marry me. Just the idea of having a flirtation with someone who does want to get married soon freaked me out.
Nic turned twenty-one. If you hadn’t figured out that I was underage from all of my stories before, now you know. It is entirely possible that I will blog about my birthday in the very near future (because life is slow right now), so I’ll just give you quick highlights here. K called for the first time in six weeks. 100 lb. Nic took 9 shots. For the first time ever, I do not remember part of a drunken evening. I definitely threw up. I had my first hangover ever the next morning.
I have to take a summer class. After planning my schedules for four years, two of my required classes for my last semester ever overlap by half an hour, forcing me to take a survey of Western lit this summer. I am not happy about this.
Bradshaw graduated and moved away. I think this one may be the biggest, because now I don’t see her ever. She moved from College Town to St. Louis to start her grown-up job and I stayed behind here. I miss her. A lot.
I do believe that is the extent of the big news over the four months, and maybe the next four will be exciting enough to make up for the fact that I abandoned the blog with no notice. In any case, welcome back to the madness.
Nic is back to blogging!!! I could sing! But I won't. Instead I shall proceed to write you a dumb comment as I am wont to do. :P So, first of all, I'm getting major deja vu writing this. It takes me back to the good ol' days. *sigh*
Anyhoo, I really need to laugh again at the whole K/wedding thing cause it's just too funny. *dies* You better invite me dammit! :D *is evil*
And although I have already heard about the infamous bday I seriously can't wait to see how you write about it. lol. Too funny. And you have the cutest cats in the world. Period. *melts at the sight of them again* I'm jealous. lol. SQUEE! I'm so happy you're writing again! Hurry with the next one will ya? hehe...
Oh and just for old times sake...
*punches school in the face*
Had to. :D
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