Things I Love Thursday

Another banner week for me! Here we go!
- Netflix I resisted for quite some time, the allure of Netflix. I always said that I just wouldn't watch enough movies to justify spending the money each month. This was when I had cable, and clearly, I was misguided. I'm already very pleased with this decision.
- Valentine's dates Mine was fabulous! Spark - there's your pseudonym - and I had Mexican, saw Confessions of a Shopaholic, did a bit of shopping of our own, and ended the evening with cheesecake. It was perfect and the only way it could have been better is if I'd gotten laid. I'm only half-kidding.
- Compliments In the midst of a conversation today, one of my favorite co-workers - a male - looked at me and said, "I like it when you do that thing with your eyelashes." Confused, I asked for clarification. Had I been fluttering them interestingly or something? He was referring to the cat's eye liner I've been doing off and on since November, which made me smile. This is the same co-worker who has mentioned that he prefers my hair straight, he likes me perfume, and fixed my neck when I slept on it so weird that it hurt for a week. I adore him.
- An empty house I really do like my roommate; she's fabulous and we don't seem to drive each other crazy. However, recall how long I lived alone and just how happy I was with it. She's been out of town since Sunday afternoon and I've been relishing the chance to listen to music very loudly when getting ready in the morning, traipse around half-naked (the neighbors must love me), and watch movies very loudly with the bedroom door wide open.
- My action plan Granted, I'm only three days in and day one was hideous, but I'm enjoying my attempts to cultivate a better attitude, even though I'm not perfect. Perhaps I enjoy it in spite of its imperfections.
- Perspective I still haven't been able to bring myself to actually write out the latest development in the Hershey saga (partially since those of you who know me already know what happened), but suffice it to say that I will not be in his bed again. I haven't actually seen him since my triumph in December, and while that makes me a bit wistful, I have the proper perspective to appreciate that someone out there in the universe is trying to save me from myself and my own poor decisions. I'm still completely frustrated by my inability to figure him out, but that has nothing to do with sex, simply my own desire to figure out everyone, coupled with the fact that I nearly always get my way. I'll get my way this time or drive everyone crazy trying, mark my words.
- This song
- And the snippets new makeup; cocktail rings; leather gloves worn with a jacket with bracelet-length sleeves - if Isla Fisher can do it, so can I; beautiful photos; lovely and entertaining blogs/websites (see the updates in the sidebar, kittens); Twitter; the inspiration that has come from reading a piece of nonfiction;this is too cute ; reading cookbooks; baths with space heaters; customers who tell me I'm awesome; exceeding expectations; the upcoming empty weekend; teensy cans of Dr. Pepper; animal affection; great hugs; self-control.
"Your happiness, abundance, health, and friendships are no dependent on how other behave." - Notes from the Universe (A reminder that I certainly need. I copied it on a dry-erase board to read every time I glance at my desk.)
Labels: TILT
This is why I'm fucked up. I see that perfectly lovely picture you've posted of that house with the balloons and whatnot and immediately marvel at its resemblance to the one depicted in The Omen. Where the woman jumps off the roof during Damien's birthday party and hangs herself.
Anyways. Veering off the subject of my morbidity. I'm super happy that you're liking Regina! :D I'll get you that playlist soon, I promise. I'm only just now starting to feel slightly alive again. The only thing I'm loving at the moment are antibiotics. Because strep throat makes me want to dieeeeeee.
And there I go with death again. I'm just going to stop typing now.
Wow! You get your Thursday on fast! :) Interesting... I must ask why? It's good, but I'm curious. I can't remember what I was going to say.
I feel like I would enjoy an empty weekend. Instead, I'll probably be a tad tipsy, seeing as how Saturday is the Mardi Gras festival here. You know me and Mardi Gras.
Sidenote: I think it's funny that Hershey's name ALMOST rhymes with, well, yeah. Almost.
Netflix- love it.
Compliments- love them too.
I also love margaritas at lunch. I'm planning ahead.
Oh how I have missed TILT! Before I share my own list I must let the rest of the world know that I had the exact same thought as Bizzy when I saw that picture.
At least she wasn't the only one.
Now, on to my own little list:
Fun Co-Workers: I managed to get a co-worker of mine to play "Question of The Day" with me in which everyday we decide on a question and must answer it and share with the other person. It's fun to have somebody to share a daily ritual with - plus it's a great way to get to know somebody.
Notes: I am a big fan of writing notes and leaving them for random people. Sometimes I use a sticky note - or in today's case, I left a note under some windshield wipers.
Cupcakes: I am in love with making cupcakes! Frostings! Fillings! Decorating!
Starbucks Mochas: they always earn a spot on my list.
Last but not least - taking chances - because it was my New Year's Resolution, and I'm doing my best to keep that resolution alive. :D
what a great lovely list of thursday loves!
haha, i am a big fan of netflix.
your coworker sounds very sweet.
and i adore fidelity + regina + the video. it is such a classic, it never gets old! the video is creative, i love the colors at the end.
and thanks for the shout out friend, i am enjoying your blog! :)
oh ps: can't wait for the thursday loves tomorrow ;)
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