Things I Love Thursday

It's the Christmas edition! Oh my goodness, the things I have to be grateful for this year!
- My parents I am realizing, more and more, that they are fantastic and I am lucky to have them. They each have moments when I wish they would change, of course, but overall, I know that they love me and would do anything for me.
- Fun books Yesterday I read Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games, and it was fantastic. The premise is that of a young girl who is put into what amounts to a wilderness survival contest. The catch is that there are twenty-three others trying to survive, and the winner must be the last competitor alive. They are expected to kill one another and the way this character - who was totally kickass, which I love - handles the survival aspect and the moral-emotional aspect is interesting and very compelling. Well-written teen fiction that stays away from the insipid! Love!
- Non-fiction I am primarily a reader of fiction; I prefer to immerse myself in the lives of imaginary people, in imaginary worlds, and in imaginary situations than to read a piece of writing that exists in and about my own world. Lately, however, I find myself drawn to some pieces of non-fiction (probably driven by my job in a bookstore, but what am I going to do?). I've been picking up style guides, inspirational (non-religious) texts, and self-improvement titles. Self-improvement! This is so far outside of my norm that I'm not sure what to make of it, but I am enjoying myself. For my Christmas gift to myself I picked up Notes from the Universe; judge me if you'd like.
- Acting on my own wishes I still kind of owe you all a post about last Friday night. I think that I was pleased with the situation was obvious, but you really do deserve to hear the whole story. For the moment, you should know that it involves Hershey and we both got our way on Friday night. And that Bradshaw was right. It's only fair to tell you that she was right.
- Home-related Christmas gifts Among other things, from my mother I received a new bedding set, a soup pot, knives, towels, and a vacuum. I am pleased with each of these things and already planning how best to use them.
- Mashed potatoes Yes, again. Still. They're just so delicious.
- Holiday text messages I spent a few hours away from my phone this morning and came back to find four text messages, all with holiday well wishes. So sweet!
- Honorable mentions Friends who are willing to help; moving heavy boxes on my own (I'm such a badass); book drive announcements; helping choose books for children; genuine smiles; feeling relieved; tiny displays of affection; grand plans; dinners with great friends; coffee!; positivity; the law of attraction; journaling; feeling beautiful; flirting.
Tell me right now what it is you adore! Please please please!
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I'm thankful for my brother, because for all the grief he gives me, he's the only person I know who will send me a completely sober text out of the blue just to tell me he loves me.
And mashed potatoes are awesome.
I'm thankful for my little sister who quite literally was my lifesaver over the past few days. I have a story for you.
I'm thankful for Thursdays because you always remind us we have things to be thankful for. I love Things I Love Thursday!
P.S. Present for you on my blog.
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