Things I Love Thursday
Are you all leaning to the side? (Get it? TILT. I'm not funny.) The things I'm digging on this week include the following:- Tumblr I gave you a link to my new Tumblr - for which I choose to blame Bizz - and added it to the sidebar, and if you like any of the images that I post or have a thing for lovely quotes, you should take a peek. It gives me the ability to follow the posts of several people and then reblog the beautiful words and images. Basically, it's a collection of things I love. I've always collected quotations - I have two journals full of them - and I recently began collecting beautiful images, so this is all sorts of fun for me. Plus, you know, it's new and shiny, and I'm like a small child or an animal when you give me things that are new and shiny.
- Gossip Girl I haven't watched a new episode in probably eight or nine months, but I can find images and video online and I know how season two ended, so I'm dying to watch. Still, Gossip Girl-centric Tumblrs have given me something to look at and I'm sure I can find the episodes somewhere on the interwebs (suggestions?). In looking at things related to the show, I have developed a girl crush on Leighton Meester, both as herself and as Blair Waldorf. I am a nerd and you can judge all you like, but it makes me happy.
- The Hunger Games Did I write about this last week? In any case, I managed to get my sticky little fingers on the advance proof of the second book in the trilogy - the first of which was incredibly impressive - and devoured it in a night, splitting my time between my bed and the hot tub. The second installment, Catching Fire, will be available on September 1st and is so incredibly worth your time and money to read - even if you think you don't like young adult literature. Please don't let Stephenie Meyer's endorsement deter you!
"The real purpose of books is to trap the mind into doing its own thinking."
Christopher Morley
Christopher Morley
- Free time While losing a shift this week wasn't necessarily a good thing, it does mean that I get three days off which is really very lovely. Saturday I went on a fruitless search for summer dresses to love. Sunday I went grocery shopping and made Mexican food that I finally finished last night. Yesterday I bought sandals and spent my evening reading. Saturday is my next day off, and while I have no grand plans - yet - just the anticipation makes me smile.

- Ease I'm trying to remind myself that the mind over matter thing really does work for me. If I believe that it will be easy and lovely, it will be easy and lovely. Going to work in two hours to do a job that I do not prefer will be easy and lovely. Working with people who are not necessarily my favorites will be easy and lovely. Waking up to go to work again tomorrow morning will be easy. It's all easy if I just remember to believe that it's so.
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."
Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde
- Xs and Os planning a giant salad for dinner; unintentionally teasing my boss about his age, realizing that he was sensitive to it, and continuing mercilessly; cute new sandals; soft focus; eyelashes; listening to Ed Westwick's accent when he does interviews; listening to Paramour very loud while cooking; graphic prints; borrowed sunglasses; fine point ink pens; gmail chats; finally catching up with my wifey; re-embracing the curling iron; underoos with popsicles on them; the smell of cooking Mexican food; kitten purrs; 1959: The Year Everything Changed; Helen Mirren in The Queen; Filthy Shakespeare; employee discount days; no more pants until September (barring unforeseen circumstances); discovering a piece of Ghiradelli white chocolate on my desk right now!
And finally, I adore this scene:
Labels: TILT
Wheeeeeee Tumblr!
Have you tried SurfTheChannel for Gossip Girl? I know they probably have it on there. I dunno if they'll have the episodes you're looking for or not though. Worth a shot.
And blasting Paramore is always good times. xD
I was going to suggest SurfTheChannel as well. That's how I caught up enough to watch the rest of season 2 as it aired. It takes a little while to load, but then the playback is usally alright. I know they're on there. :) Or season 2 should be out on DVD soon! I hope, anyway. Who were you teasing?
I refuse to get a Tumblr. Refuse. Unless I get a computer at home.
Anywhoozle, today:
Silence in an office when I'm not the only one here: I like it quiet in the mornings, and until a certain point, I don't want other people mess that all up by feeling the need to talk to me. Two other people are here and the only audible sound is my typing. I'm ok with this.
Starbucks Fridays: I'm being really good about keeping my Starbucks trips to a minimum in an effort to save money, and now I have something to look forward to every week.
The opportunity to buy All-Star Game tickets: At face value. The last time the All-Star Game was here was in the 40s. If I can, I'm so going, even if I have to go by myself.
G-chat: I copied off of you. But seriously, our conversation the other day, last week, every time, crack(ed/s) me up. Makes me feel like you're a little bit closer.
Having colleagues: And not just coworkers.
Tidbits: Sportscenter, my upcoming Paramore/No Doubt concert (if you want to go, it's July 8 which is a Wednesday, and I think there's still a ticket in our group), cool mornings, organizing my desk, a pension plan and 401(k), being an adult.
Such lovely photos! I love that gorgeous blond braid.
One thought: I love Chuck and Blair.
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