Friday, June 05, 2009

I Feel...

via Finally Seeing

...that there are some things that never deserve my sympathy or understanding, and I am willing to be considered closed-minded for that feeling.

...that you are being far more smug than the situation warrants. If you are willing to go to those lengths to get something, that's fine, but don't expect me to fawn all over you for doing something that I would do only if I was desperate.

...that sharing the bed with the felines is far superior to sharing my bed with another human. I don't have to worry about my sleepy-time habits and they're excellent foot warmers.

...that the sensitivity displayed by others is often a sign of weakness. Not that they experience the sensitivity, but that they allow themselves to display it. In many situations, sensitivity is akin to lack-of-backbone, and I cannot tolerate those who can't - or won't - stand up for themselves.

...that passive-aggression is the most ridiculous way to express your displeasure with someone. If you have a problem, say something. If you don't tell me there's a problem - even if I can tell that there is - I am going to behave as if there isn't until you tell me otherwise. You can count on me to give you the same courtesy.

...that people who are bad liars shouldn't try to play stupid. I can see what you're doing and you pretending that I don't see it doesn't make it any less true. Leave the faking to those of us who have the ability to lie believably.

...that lack of adequate caffeination (yeah, I just made up a word) should be an accepted excuse for at least half of the bad behavior one may exhibit on a given morning.

...that sometimes self-destructive impulses reveal themselves in ways that seem innocuous, and that often only the person with the impulse is aware that it is self-destructive. See: my current desire to spend a Tuesday evening at Piano Bar again. curling up all weekend in a comfy chair with one of the dozen or so books that are waiting for me to read them, sipping warm drinks and ignoring the real world.



At 10:01 AM, Blogger Dollface said...

I love that idea of curling up and reading all the books.... great post! xxooo

At 12:25 PM, Blogger Ann said...

Actually, I'm fairly certain that caffeination is a word. Maybe. I've used it.

At 10:36 AM, Blogger Bizz said...

I feel like that last one too. Except for the warm drinks part, but only because it's like, 800 degrees out here and that doesn't sound all that good. lol. And caffeination SHOULD be a word. Seriously.


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