Things I Love Thursday
Another difficult week since I've spent the last eighteen hours or so fighting a fever and wishing I was dead. But, despite that, it's been a lovely week! Forgive me is I'm brief, I'm still not a hundred percent.
- Memorial Day When I got home from work, the Roommate and the boy decided that we were going to grill. I then spent the entire rest of the evening stuffing my face: hot dog, turkey burger with provolone and hoisin (yum, seriously), black bean hummus, grilled pineapple, and s'mores. Oh yes, we lit the chiminea (whose name is Bill, of course) and toasted marshmallows for gooey s'more goodness. The evening ended with hot-tub-and-booze time as well as me getting my way. It was perfect.
- S'mores Tuesday night ended in s'mores as well. So freaking worth it.

- Kittens Yesterday, my parents brough two little kittens from home that are being adopted by friends here in College Town. One went home last night with a girl that I know will be an excellent kitty mommy while the other stayed with me. I woke up - feverish, yes - with kitten curled up on my shoulder, purring like a boat motor in my ear. So. Effing. Cute. She's spirited and sweet and adorable and such fun. It makes me sad that I cannot have another cat.
- Tudors nights Sunday was the last episode of the season as well as Spark's last night in the house she's been in for two years. We ate pizza, watched the show, and marvelled over the fact that we saw more of Katherine Howard's character naked than clothed. Love that show so much.

- Quiet time Even though the hot tub was the catalyst for feeling so awful last night and today (I learned that if you're running a bit of a fever and get into 105 degree water, it will spike your temperature. Who knew?), having quiet time at home was lovely. I took in the latest issue of Vanity Fair and enjoyed the way that the water soothed my muscles and gave me a chance to unwind after a long day.

- Little cutes Pale blue eyes; Everwood (yes, still); the Audrey Hepburn movie waiting for me (Paris When It Sizzles); drinking massive amounts of orange juice; drugs that kill my fever; How to Buy a Love of Reading; dark nail polish; planning summery outfits; getting up later after showering at night; black bean hummus; maybe attending tonight's Jazz Age birthday party; half-price appetizers that are delicious (garlic bread with marinara and a cocktail for under $5); learning more about astrology; text messages; winning; kisses in the shower; being very comfortable in my own skin and with the people around me.
Labels: TILT
New places: So I moved my first load of stuff over to my new apartment on Wednesday. And I finally got excited about my new apartment. Before that it had been a dread of moving (I hate moving). And now, two loads and multiple conversations with the roommates in, I'm finally excited. It's an adorable part of the city (I can't wait for you to see it), and though I will miss MY part very much (it will forever be MY part of the city...the place where I 100% stood on my own two roommates to back me up or anything), I think this new place will be just as good. And it's still only a metro ride away from the baseball games. :)
New opportunities: Transitioning into this permanent job hasn't felt like much of a transition at all. My email title changed, my desk is going to, but everything else pretty much stayed the same. Seven days after my official start date the CEO sent out a corporate email putting a halt on all FY09 hiring. All of it. Which means that I just barely squeaked through. And that kind of throws into light exactly how fortunate I really am to be where I am in my career. I think reminders like that do me good.
Productivity: I've been working really hard lately, and finally, after a few weeks, I'm beginning to see things fall off my to do list. Granted, they're being replaced with other things, but it is a good feeling to know that not only am I getting things done, but they're being done well.
Respect: Even though it's been this way for a while, I still get a kick out of having people speak to me as a colleague and an equal even if they have me beat by a good 20 years and a few degrees.
Tidbits: Starbucks Fridays, Cardinals facts of the day, post-its, paid vacation, organizing things, Leinenkugel's Sunset Wheat, best friends (I miss you).
Trying new things, stretching, making adult decisions.
I love life finally slowing down enough for me to be able to breathe. And that's pretty much it. rofl.
Love it. Awesome. Feel better.
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