Thursday, July 23, 2009

Things I Love Thursday


Mmm, lists of love.

Drinking massive amounts of coffee; Dr. Pepper; euphemisms and innuendos; "It's not my fault you aren't finished quick enough." "Dirty."; dry shampoo; twisting my hair in a bun that lasts all day and leaves my hair all wavy and cute; "A Rose for Emily" by Faulkner; adding Tarantino movies to my Netflix queue; getting there in time to drink "the good stuff."


"If the world were merely seductive, that would be easy. If it were merely challenging, that would be no problem. But I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day."

E.B. White

The realization that Dawson's Creek was the meta fiction of television - but on a less intelligent level; bright red pedicures; silk nightgowns (so very Sunset Blvd. of me); doing what I want, consequences be damned; enjoying a long drive; once-a-year fair pizza; quotations about reading and books; adding Gilmore Girls to my dad's DVR - ha; not having a child yet and not feeling guilty for not having a significant other; lacy black lingerie.


Drinking peppermint tea before bed; reading entire books in one hot tub session; exfoliation; being told to prove the statement, "I could run in these wedges if I had to."; threatening to destroy the violin CD; actually plotting ways to destroy the violin CD; DVD commentaries that are interesting rather than boring or annoying; realizing how things happen for a reason, whether I like it or not.


Considering how much we'll all be making fun of Gossip Girl in five years, even though we love it now; extra cash; cheeseburgers and fries that can't be found anywhere else; the Proust Questionniare; photos of balloons - it's a new thing; eating a half-pound of cherries all at once; playing dress up; rescuing th neighbor from his bee sting (my god did this kid have a set of lungs); YouTube videos and getting stuck in endless viewing cycles; fanfiction; chats with Bizz - those don't happen often enough any more; anticipating the laptop the universe is just waiting to hand me.


"All the books we own, both read and unread, are the fullest expression of self we have at our disposal. … But with each passing year, and with each whimsical purchase, our libraries become more and more able to articulate who we are, whether we read the books or not."

Nick Hornby

Hearing "I barely recoginzed you." and knowing somehow that it's a compliment; playing a role; the amazing abilities of the simple bobby pin; "Call me if you need a ride."; quiet, easy time alone and refusing to think about its impending interruption; the ability of the body not to crush the thing lying beside it; talking about The Godfather; enjoying the weekend at home.

I realized the other day that this is where I got it from. I might be ashamed if it wasn't such a great show, as well as a really fun game.

Tell me what you're loving, kittens. I beg you! Nay, I demand that you tell me!



At 8:33 AM, Blogger Ann said...

I LOVE INCUBUS. So much so that right now my love for everything else pales in comparison. Even Starbucks Fridays are no match. My throat is sore, I smelled like weed when I got home, and 415 came WAY too early, but damn, sooooo worth it.

In related news, Brandon Boyd's body? Yum.

At 10:28 AM, Blogger Bri Bri said...

HAHAHA.... yes!

At 2:29 PM, Blogger Bizz said...

I have thoughts:

Firstly, TARANTINOOOOOOOOOO!!! The love and admiration I have for that man's creative and completely batshit crazy mind knows no bounds. I'm kind of ridiculously excited for Inglorious Basterds. Even though the English major in me winces at the misspelling of that word every time I see it. I know it was intentional and likely has a very distinct, meaningful purpose, but still. Grammar freak.

Secondly, and I mean no offense by this whatsoever because I know you heart it, but I sort of already make fun of Gossip Girl. God knows what I'll be saying in five years. haha.

Thirdly, I LOVE CHATS WITH NIC! You're right, they don't happen nearly enough. It makes me sadface.

Things that make me happyface:

In Bruges, my new bedspread (white with Japanese-inspired pink and blue floral designs - it looks like watercolor almost, SO pretty) and wall decals (white birds - I'm finally having a room that's going to be aesthetically pleasing, lol), FINALLY getting to see 500 Days of Summer after all these months of waiting, possible upcoming trip to New Orleans in the fall (never been, always wanted to go), definite trip to Disneyland in September (with Mara yaaaaaaay!), falling in love with The Fray all over again, having stair battles with my kitties, insanely cool thunderstorms that I sit and watch from my window, braiding my hair, True Blood, and coffee, simply because any list without that on it is a travesty. The end.

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