Things I Love Thursday

Because this week I don't have anything exciting to expound on - thus making entire paragraphs difficult - you are getting a list along with a collection of shiny things. This week I am digging on:
playing the same songs over and over and singing along - loudly; the way my legs look in heels; "The shoes are very Audrey, the dress is very Marilyn."; the Magnetic Poetry calendar; watching an entire season of Gilmore Girls in three days; hair that stays all the way off my neck with just three bobby pins; receiving my first issue of Vanity Fair in the mail; the Muses in Disney's Hercules; bright, crisp images; wedges; the smell of vegetable stock cooking; Pandora Gets Vain and deciding that I am going to track down and read as much childrens' literature that references or involves Greek mythology as I can; playing dress up; thinking about other people's pets; Gilmore-isms.

Tumblr and finding people who post lovely, interesting things; waking up to the face of a handsome man - Puck; the concept of hedonism - my god I want to be a hedonist; Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy; unseasonably cool weather meaning that spending time in the hot tub is both realistic and infinitely comfortable; oversized sunglasses; remembering that I do not need anyone to come and protect me from the creepy neighbor; marathon phone calls with Bradshaw; Panera's strawberry poppyseed salad - oh yes, again.

Reading stories online; extra-long necklaces; drinking coffee again - it took long enough to get my taste back and now I remember its deliciousness; hearing A Fine Frenzy's newest song; the word "funsies"; "One Week of Danger" by The Virgins; spending an entire day all alone and not getting pretty; tasty burgers; thinking about 1969 and how much I wish I would have been cool enough to be a hippie - though I have the self-awareness to realize that I probably would have been a spinster teacher, just like I am now (sort of); Heck: Where the Bad Kids Go; love rocket (not dirty); never being reprimanded for wearing potentially-against-dress-code clothes to work because they are always cute and appropriate; chatting with the Roommate when she returns from a brief vacation; cute sundresses; shopping the Roommate's closet and finding excellent things - I love sharing; I mentioned coffee already, but I just finished a cup and it was very tasty; frozen pizza; Leighton Meester, Alexis Bledel, Blair Waldorf, and Rory Gilmore - girl crushes.
Blinds on windows; getting back my Tuesday morning shift and feeling accomplished, needed, validated, and vindicated; reccommending excellent books; thinking about hearing all of the things that everyone else is excited about this week; drinking huge bottles of water; lime fruit bars; dancing in my underoos.
All images can be found at my Tumblr. See the sidebar, kittens.
Labels: TILT
You have quite a list here. I don't even know if I can compete. Here goes:
New pictures of my cousins; our marathon phone conversations; happy hours; my fun phone; compliments about something I wore a week ago; new lipglosses; Starbucks; weekend plans;; watching baseball; knowing I can sleep in tomorrow; ESPN and SportsCenter; giggling with coworkers; 10 different colors of highlighters; my mom getting us tickets to Phantom of the Opera; wigs; clean cars; leaving work early.
Dude, I've been on such a Gilmore Girls kick lately! Because the series finale was on TV the other day, and I watched it, and it made me cry so hard. *dies* The part where Luke is sewing all the canvases together kills me. :( And obviously when Rory gets out of the car and sees everyone there to send her off... omg, I'm gonna cry just thinking about it. I really have no idea when I turned into such a sap. rofl. But yeah. I'd forgotten how good it was. Now I'm watching it all over again from the first season. Seriously one of the greatest shows ever.
And I'm loving coffee lately. More than usual. Mainly because I was bad and totally splurged and bought this expensive kind at World Market, and it is like heaven in a cup. So good.
I feel like I'm rambling. I'll stop now. xD
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