Things I Love Thursday

Air Conditioning Sweet baby J, how did people get anything done before AC? As I type this (at two in the afternoon), it is 98 degrees F in Small Town. The heat index? 107! Honestly, without air conditioning I think I would be a worthless, half-sick blob all summer. Hooray for air conditioning and the productivity allowed by it.
Contradictions My mom is one of those don't-eff-with-her sort of chicks. It is from her that I inherited my belief that fewer, closer friends is better than a slew of acquaintances. She's among the worst gossips in the world, but not like you think. She doesn't gossip. When I was living in College Town I'd find out weeks later that so-and-so had gotten divorced/pregnant/arrested. She hates drama. So it was insanely amusing to learn that she watches The Real Housewives of Wherever with all of their nonsense and dramatics. She almost never sits and watches TV without doing something else, but the fact that it's even the channel she chooses to turn to when she's cleaning or doing paperwork is endlessly amusing to me.

My body My no-snacks plan is apparently paying off. I haven't really modified the meals I prepare - that would be too much change all at once - but I've still lost 1/2 inch off my waist, hips, and thighs (the three things I measured when I started). Hooray, results! I've also decided to challenge myself with push-ups. Currently I can do about 10 girly-style push-ups before my arms give out, and my goal is to graduate to grown-up push-ups. When I get there, I'll set a new goal. I'm enjoying feeling my muscles ache. Weird, but happy.

Jabberwockey peach crostini (toasty French bread, ricotta, sliced peach, honey drizzle - yum); The Rachel Zoe Project; tarte lip stain, again, because it's so amazing; my new desk space and the inspiration that's come from it; The Nanny; Little Reminders of Love; Zoey Deschanel's wardrobe in (500) Days of Summer - covet covet covet; cats who eat lettuce (read: mine); feeling strong; microwave cheesecake-in-a-mug; the deliciousness of legumes; walking into a hardware store in heels and the subsequent appraising looks; Mars in Libra kicking my ass into gear; cute new earrings; letting my mind wander when I go for walks; paintings created for the wall above my desk; shirtdresses; On the Road with Austin and Santino - I saw this advertised and thought it would be ridiculous, which is is, but in the BEST WAY POSSIBLE.
all photos via my tumblr (see sidebar). appropriate credit given there.
Labels: TILT
Today I love:
-enchilada casserole
-working out
-grand plans for you to come visit
Are we going to make grand plans? And are we going to bake something? And then write long, drawn-out, and highly amusing blog posts about it?
Yum, possibilities!
Yesterday I loved working with my client and today I love that I finally decided to write this dern book!
Agreed on the friendship. I have the bestest friend in the world, and would trust her with my life and have no idea how people keep up with their phone book sized social networks!
Congrats on the weight loss xoxox I looked at my license photo last night and screeched when I saw my chubby cheeks lol thank goodness for willpower and shedding unnecesary kilos!
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