Things I Love Thursday

Feeling tired because I've done work You aren't interested in hearing me talk about my summer, during which I had the opportunity to sleep in nearly every day and almost never had somewhere I had to be. But the thing is, I actually prefer running around and working and being busy. Last Friday, I spent my afternoon with second graders, then my evening working at my parents' restaurant. I worked at the restaurant on Saturday too (which was a little strange). I was tired Saturday night, and it's been long enough since I've been tired that way that I enjoyed it. Yes, I am in fact strange.
Daydreaming. Fantasizing. Planning. Visualizing. Scheming. Whatever word you want to use for it - all are accurate - it's more than a little fun.

An entire day of thunderstorms Some people think gray days are sad and depressing. I disagree. I love a day of lightning, thunder, and torrential downpours. I don't feel any less productive, and in fact they tend to inspire me to do things like write and self-pamper and clean.
Looking in other people's desk drawers I realize that this is a little iffy, and I'm sincerely not trying to invade anyone privacy. I just think it's interesting seeing how someone else organizes her desk: what things go in which drawers, whether they use organizers or just have masses of stuff. I like discovering interesting office supplies, teacher-specific things, and the random stuff that people squirrel away in their desks in general. Plus, teachers know that at some point they'll have a substitute and that person may need (or choose) to open their drawers. (Can you tell that I'm a little worried about how appropriate this is? I really have no sinister motives, though.)

Mockingjay Seriously, I'm writing Suzanne Collins a letter. By hand (because no one does that any more). I work hard not to build up expectations for books in series; I hate to be disappointed. Mockingjay, I'm so grateful to say, didn't disappoint me. It came last Thursday afternoon; I read it that night in about four hours. I've since read it a second time. It just makes me really happy. I cannot recommend The Hunger Games highly enough, kittens. For serious.
Getting bragged on Last Saturday, while working at my parents' restaurant, my baking skills were referenced multiple times. A couple of weeks ago, I dreamed that I baked cupcakes for my second grade teacher (after seeing her at the restaurant). I made that my facebook status, and when that same teacher came in Saturday afternoon, my mom had to tell her about my dream. Both of my parents then bragged on my baking skills, which felt pretty nice. Apparently I'm on the way to becoming "famous" for Pop Rocks cupcakes (thanks, Tiff!).

Whipped cream and sprinkles reading through my archives and finding old posts that make me laugh out loud; Better Homes and Gardens; plans to paint the inside of my back door bright pink - the kid who mixed my paint at the store looked dubious, which just proves that I made a good choice; getting ideas for decorating baked goods; toast - bread is really delicious, guys; learning that hummingbirds will brave a thunderstorm to get a tasty drink; drawing floor plans; Marilyn going crazy trying to find the cat meowing on the title menu of The Office (season four, disc two); for that matter, The Office - I watched the "Dinner Party" episode last night and laughed basically the entire time; learning that school content filters don't block my blog; deciding to really go for the hundred push-up challenge, starting with girl-style and perhaps moving on to the real deal; feeling needed; bonding a bit with the lady responsible for whether or not I get called to sub; impressing someone completely by accident; super cute furry things; finding pretty things on tumblr.
What's ringing your bell this week, kittens?
per usual, photo credits via tumblr
Labels: TILT
Today I love:
-really random phone calls that make me laugh
-episodes of The Office that make me cry
-workouts that make me sore
-feeling healthier
- I am 'finally' making headway in my way behind schedule!
- hmmmmm
I guess it has been one of those weeks, nothing bad, nothing flash and stand out either, as I have just been trying to lick this cold and get back on top of work!
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