Things I Love Thursday

Mmm, Thursday! This week, I am enjoying the following:
Little kids Tuesday, I substituted at my elementary school. Leaving my classroom-for-the-day to pick up the class from the library, I walked past the first grade hallway and saw one of the groups crossing the hallway from their classroom to the restroom. At the back of the line was a little boy pulling on a sweatshirt. He couldn't seem to get his head or arms through the proper holes, and was therefore crossing the hallway blindly. His teacher helped him, and I went on down the hallway completely amused by the antics of little kids. I'm also glad that I'm not an elementary teacher by training and that I don't have any children of my own. Much more fun to interact with them the way I get to.

Thunderstorms I prefer natural occurrences that don't harm people or property, and a good thunderstorm usually fits the bill. And did you know that hummingbirds will fly around in pouring rain to play and drink from a feeder? Seriously remarkable birds.

Unsolicited work I kind of dropped the ball on getting set up to substitute in the second district where I spent some time last year, but the principal at their elementary school called me Tuesday afternoon to see what my plans for the school year were. I spent six weeks covering his sixth grade class when their teacher had surgery last school year, so I guess it isn't surprising that he's happy to have me subbing there again this year. He was also one of my references when I interviewed (another unsolicited offer) for a job about sixty miles from home. This blurb is getting hard to understand...suffice it to say it's nice to get a vote of confidence from someone with a bit of power.

Coming together As someone who struggles to write - even though I want to do it so much - it's wonderful when inspiration, motivation, and time finally come together in my favor. Love.
This and that getting paid for a full day of work instead of the half-day I was there; playing with super-cute kittens; hot showers and a pot of coffee to chase away post-Benadryl haze; the convenience and cheapness of magazine subscriptions - it's easy to justify $12 for 20 magazines instead of $4 per issue; students who are shocked when a teacher uses the phrase "what the heck"; an allergic reaction that is not anaphylaxis - bright side, kittens; the apparent perception of myself as capable; a classroom teacher with substituting experience who therefore makes things super-clear and easy for the person coming in (read: me); breadsticks with marinara; using the laptop in bed, something I haven't really done a lot; the convenience of Netflix - seriously, think about it; roasted things - broccoli, corn, chicken; when food tastes better than you expected; knowing kids from substituting last year; October's Vanity Fair; unexpected trips with Starbucks rewards; "Wow, you really are short."; cooler weather; thinking about cupcake decorations; getting up early enough to shower, make scrambled eggs, and still be early to my destination.
What's rocking your boat this week, kittens?
photo credits via tumblr
Labels: TILT
Today there is much love for:
-Leaving for Atlanta in 3 hours
-Going to LA next weekend
-Going to Baltimore the weekend after that
-Macaroni and cheese
-Starbucks Thursdays
-Being productive the day before a vacation
-My new fun nail polish (so dark purple it looks black)
- being productive
- knowing that it was the last night of late endings for the hubster, and that we get a bit of time together tomorrow
- more Neptune epiphanies!
- feeling better
- work flowing well so I could be the Cancer slave for the sick Taurus girl
- fascinating karmic data to wade through that is adding to what I already knew
- salad
- True Blood books, heaps better than the show
- World's strictest parents lolol
- Ugg boots
- ahhh Marilyn Manson (going through some retro music thing lol)
I adore Marilyn Manson. Honestly, he's one of those people I'd love to sit and have a conversation with; any time I've seen him speak he's interesting and intelligent and all sorts of wonderful.
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