Things I Love Thursday

Embracing my old lady-ness Really, guys. I live alone with two cats, make others eat things I bake, engage in a whole host of old lady pursuits, and watch TV with the volume too loud.* I'm very particular about my space, I have tissues and ibuprofen in my purse, and I watch the squawking that is The View. I was already the crazy cat lady forty or fifty years early; now I'm a 24-year-old senior citizen.

Slow mornings I'm ready for a full-time job and I love substituting (and the money it makes), but I really love my slow, easy weekday mornings. I drink coffee sip-by-sip while watching Good Morning America. I have time to make breakfast if I want or wander around outside or read during commercials (ever the multi-tasker). I also get to sleep in. You see, Good Morning America is on at 6 am in my time zone, but I have DirecTV. They give me the west coast broadcast of the four networks, which means I get to watch GMA at 9 am instead. So this week I also love DirecTV.

Unclogging the vacuum Two Christmases ago, my parents gave me a vacuum (yes, a not-so-subtle hint). When living with the Roommate, she clogged it, put it back in the closet, and never said a word. Excellent. So when I moved back to Small Town, I started using the ancient-but-still-effective vacuum my grandmother had been using since the 70s. But it's heavy and cumbersome, so Sunday afternoon I decided to rip apart the fancy new upright. Giant masses of white hair and dust came out, and now the vacuum sucks! Because a vacuum is, after all, one of the few things you want to suck. (Oh, yes. Dirty.)

Food While reading my list, I realized how many of my things related to food. So, all together! Menu planning and grocery shopping accordingly - much better than running to the store a couple of times a week to grab a handful of things; berry smoothies; mini bananas, no matter how over-priced they were - so cute!; from-scratch mac and cheese with spinach and sun-dried tomatoes - read the recipe and try it, because it's really good; coffee caramel hard candies; Italian-style bread to use as a vehicle for homemade tomato jam; buying lots of apples and planning to cook with them.
"There is something about words. In expert hands, manipulated deftly, they take you prisoner. Wind themselves around your limbs like spider silk, and when you are so enthralled you cannot move, they pierce your skin, enter your blood, numb your thoughts. Inside you they work their magic."Diane Setterfield, The Thirteenth Tale
Discovering Hawk has a blog! And I already love it. Go read it: Sobriety is Hardcore. You remember: Hawk is my fiancee.

Just a pinch learning about my own influence; clean blankets warm from the dryer; getting paid for big chunks of free time, which I use to read; improving others' grammar - I will never give up!; fun songs on the radio during the drive home, especially when it's a song I've been thinking about for a few days; tulip and hyacinth bulbs to plant and enjoy in the spring; the wonders of modern medicine: drugs that get rid of sinus headaches make life bearable; season premieres of House, Glee, and Gossip Girl; making a point of saying hello; believing; repeatedly resisting temptation; school supplies on sale - I love Post-Its; cleaning out my fridge (just a little, but it needs a real cleaning), seeing how excited my mom is about her upcoming vacation; magazine subscriptions - I now get Vanity Fair, Everyday Food, and Whole Living each month, and read Mom's Better Homes and Gardens after she's finished with it - I really like magazines.
Tell me, kittens, what's making you love life this week? Remember, it's only polite to share.
*There is a reason for that. My hearing was damaged when I was little and my couch is right in front of the (not quiet) air conditioner. If I sit elsewhere, I realize just how loud it is. But of course I'm not going to sit elsewhere!
Labels: TILT
Today I love:
-how owning up to a mistake then being treated like a child makes me feel more like an adult
-cleaning off my blog
-purposefully remembering just the happy things
- watching all of the young men and women last night who only five short years ago, were snivelly little tweens lol
- laughing at myself when my eldest went to his first booze party and stressing because he doesn't drink and hoping he wouldn't feel too pressured. Being super restless ALL night BUT sleeping through the bit where he actually arrived home. I obviously need more practice with that bit :P
- being one of the few married couples there last night actually laughing and talking with their husband - why people stay amazes me
- hashbrown burgers
- some decent family time this week as I have been working everyday for pfft months now!
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