Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Do I Look Mean to You?

Today I spent five hours at work shelving books. Shocker, right? Nic, you do work in a bookstore. Yes, yes, but up until a few weeks ago, my job did consist of a little bit more than just shelving books. Now this is apparently all that I'm good for.

Our district manager was in the store - with the Store Manager, Speedy - helping to prepare for the Regional Manager's visit. This is a big deal for reasons that are beyond me. As long as we sell books and aren't a drain on the company as a whole, we must be doing things right. Right? I guess people worry about these things. So I'm walking through the store, being my short, efficient self, when Speedy waves me over.

"So, District Manager asked me if you were friendly earlier. And I said 'yes, why?' Do you know what he said?"
"No, Speedy, I don't know what he said." (I was a bit annoyed that I had to talk to him; Speedy is not my favorite person of late.)
"He said that he'd been in here all day and you hadn't said hi to him yet."
"He is lying like a hooker!" I look around to make sure that I didn't say that in front of any customers. The fact that I said it in front of Speedy doesn't register at all. "I did too say hi to him!"
"Did you really?"
"Okay! I believe you! Maybe he just forgot."
I move to walk away. Speedy stops me. "Just don't say anything to him about it."
I look at him strangely. "Okay...." Generally, I couldn't care less what District Manager thinks about me. He doesn't control my paycheck or my hours, and it isn't like I'm looking to move up in the company. Who gives a rat's ass if he thinks I'm not friendly?

Twenty minutes later I came around the end of a shelf and almost walked into District Manager. I pasted my biggest cheerleader smile on my face and said "HI!"

I then considered going directly to the liquor store after I left work.

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At 6:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Did I just quote Vanilla Ice? Is that a Vanilla Ice song? I feel like I should know this...hmm...

Anyways. I'm SO happy you're back to blogging! I know I told you that already, but it needed to be repeated. Also, this post reminded me how full of awesome you are. That is so freaking funny. Kill 'em with kindness, right? :D I've always found sugary sweetness to be a very effective form of dealing with unpleasant people. Plus, seeing the look on their face when your voice goes into that Disney Princess pitch is always just effing priceless.

Viva la booze.


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