Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Seen and Heard: Piano Bar Volume II

In wee little pieces today, because no one conversation was good enough to merit and entire post. It was a slow night. Possibly because I wasn't drinking.

Overheard in the ladies' room while washing my hands at the sink next to a belligerently drunk girl and her slightly-less-belligerent friend.

Belligerent: I don't know why the fuck he thinks it's okay to get drunk.
Friend: Um...because we're in a bar.
B: But he's here with me!
F: You're drunk.
B: But I never told him that he could get drunk!
F: You're not just drunk. You are a drunk ass.
B: I know. Fuck you.


When I was chatting with Gallagher's temporary roommate, C, and friend Kitty, about K*.

Nic: Who is the blond with K with the sourpuss look on her face?
C: That would be the ice skater. He fucked her on Thursday.
Nic: Okay...what's with the evil looks at me?
Kitty: Because you, as a female, are a threat.
Nic: *blank stare*
C: You have tits and he gave you a hug. You clearly aren't heinous, nor are you his sister, therefore, you are a threat. It's really very simple.
Nic: *blank stare*
Kitty: If she realized that two of the girls K has fucked in the last week were also in the room right now, she wouldn't be worried about you.
Nic: I can't decide whether I should think K is a slut boy or whether I should hate on girls for being stupid.
C: I hate girls for being stupid.
Kitty: I know K is a slut.
C: Yeah, true.
Nic: *sips tequila sunrise*


Four girls, all attractive, are standing outside of the bar after last call. A car full of Spanish-speaking men drives by, the men shouting complimentary obscenities.

Girl 1: What the hell?
Girl 2: He said something in Spanish. I think it was lewd.
Girl 1: He said he wants to fuck you!
Girl 2: Hey!
Girl 1: [shouting] That is no bueno! No bueno!

*Not my old K. I never talk to him.

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At 1:11 PM, Blogger Bizz said...


*DIES* Totally just going to say that whenever that happens from now on. Whether they're Spanish or not. Love it.

At 1:51 PM, Blogger Ann said...

I'm with Bizz.

There is something about yelling at people who catcall that is somewhat gratifying. Or shutting them down completely. That's fun too.


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