Friday, August 01, 2008

Black Sparkles and Red Nails

Today, for lots of teenage girls, is close to a holiday. The final book in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn, is being released at midnight. I, working at a Giant Bookstore and having read the books myself, will be selling the book at midnight. We're having a release party (think Harry Potter) with a prom theme. There will be dresses and dancing and photos and, of course, a King and a Queen. Because of all the hard work that has gone into the planning of this party, I have found myself really getting into the spirit, against my natural instinct to shy away from such things.

It started a couple of weeks ago when I headed back to Small Town for the weekend. Anticipating the party - and the fact that we had all agreed to dress up - I dragged the dress I wore to my junior prom out of the closet. Black with a sparkly bodice and a swishy skirt, I realized that I'm still pretty fond of it. The fact that it laces up the back means that I can actually still wear it, despite the weight I've gained in the last two years.

After listening to one of the managers talking about the books as she read through them, I found myself going back and reading passages, starting sometime last week. It reminds me of being seventeen. I try not to think about the angst that being seventeen seemed to bring with it.

This morning, thinking about what I was going to wear to work and how the logistics of changing from work clothes into the prom dress was going to work, I found myself thinking on at theme. Everything I'm wearing today is black or gray, with bits of red thrown in for fun. I painted my nails, appropriately, blood red. The batteries for my digital camera are charging. I am, admittedly, rather excited, despite the fact that I'm already sleepy and will being going non-stop from 5 pm till 2 am. And likely beyond.

Just don't tell the cool police. I can't afford bail this week. I have a book to buy.

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At 10:24 AM, Blogger Bizz said...

Aww, hope you had fun! I'd probably get real annoyed REAL fast if I had to be around a group of squealy teenage girls for any length of time though. haha. Can't wait to hear how it went. :)


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