Things I Love Thursday

This week I am loving:
- Spending time at home in Small Town It's quiet and there isn't anything to do and the fact that my parents don't drink coffee means that a decent cup is harder to find, but just being there and feeling that quiet is nice sometimes.
- Cooking for myself For the fourth night this week, I came home and actually cooked my dinner, and for the fourth time this week, it was lovely and delicious. Vegetarian white bean soup, fresh green beans, crisp salads, and warm chicken with pasta: all so lovely and tasty.
- Baths That feeling when you first sink down into the hot (too hot for my skin, but I don't even care), fragrant water is one of the best in the world, and it's not something that I could describe. Taking the time to sit there in the quiet, reading or just being with my thoughts, is something that I wouldn't want to live without. There isn't a lot that can stress me out when I'm soaking in the tub.
- Showing people books I love And not only books I love, but books that I truly believe in. That's right, I sold Phillipa Gregory to a brand new customer. If I can get someone to buy my other new favorite tomorrow, I will feel that this week was truly an accomplished one.
- Being in a good mood all week I haven't flown off the handle - even mentally - all week. Perhaps being conscious of my actions is truly being helpful.
- Snow! It snowed on Saturday night and Sunday when I was back home, and it was beautiful and cold and wet and I love it. I beyond love snow, and all of those "Snow Grinches" aren't going to make me feel bad about it at all. I will continue to love snow until I have a much better reason to dislike it than someone else's distaste for it. In fact, my proposal fantasy takes place in the snow.*
- Employee appreciation days They start tomorrow, and I have every intention of buying things all week, both for myself and for other people. If you want a gift related to my job, now is the time to let me know!
- Honorable mentions my leather gloves, warm sweaters, tangerines, dozing off on the couch, grocery shopping, dark nail polish (and having it complimented by men), a well-mixed tequila sunrise, being called a "miracle worker," text messages, Twitter, enlightening news from those around you, saying thank you, talking about writing, tights, going out again, new toothpaste, Flickr.
What do you love this week?
*Don't even pretend like you don't have one, I know better.
Labels: TILT
I'm a proud snow grinch. But I understand why you love it.
You see, part of the point of these is for you to also share what you love, not just comment on what I say, sillyface.
Today I love stealing Sprite from breakfast and hazelnut creamer and acoustic Alice in Chains and the fact that my purse doesn't make my lotion explode and my fully charged zune.
How's that?
Better. Thanks!
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