Things I Love Thursday

- Hot beverages Hot cocoa (with and without peppermint schnapps), morning coffee, spiced cider, gingerbread lattes, and peppermint tea - all rocking my world and keeping me warm and cozy lately. It makes me glad that I have so many lovely little mugs.
- Christmas shopping I love choosing gifts for other people, cheesy and serious and perfect and even the ones I'm not so sure about. Doing things that make other people happy makes me happy.
- Cashmere sweaters This weekend I bought my first; a black, v-neck sweater that is so soft and cozy that I wore it for about two hours when I got home from work yesterday. Now, this doesn't sound like a big deal, but when I'm at home, I am almost exclusively a pajama girl. I take off all of my work clothes as soon as I walk in the door and put on something cozy - but the sweater is totally awesome.
- Astrology I go through phases with astrology. Sometimes I think it's interesting and somewhat accurate, but mostly a bunch of nonsense. Sometimes I think it's interesting and somewhat accurate, and that it is accurate enough that I should read my horoscope every day and re-discover everything there is to know about being an Aries. Right now, I like astrology.
- Gratitude In the spite of some of the less-than-awesome developments lately, I have a lot of things to be grateful for - and I intend to keep remembering that. I've even gone back to writing down things I'm grateful for in my journal. I did it in high school, and I can't remember why I stopped, but I'm excited to start up again. We all need something to look forward to, and how great is it to look forward to writing down all of the fabulous things you love?
- My work husband Having someone who realizes when you aren't in the best of spirits and does things to try to make you feel better is fantastic. It's the kind of banter and physical contact that helps you relax without you even realizing it's happening.
- Puck and Marilyn I love my kitties. Amusing habits and strange things - like Puck just chasing his tail by jumping in circles - aside, they make me feel fantastic. No matter what I've done or what's going on outside (or even inside), they love me. They purr and snuggle and play and I cannot imagine loving another pair of animals more. They're my babies.
- Honorable mentions Holiday music; great episodes of Scrubs; working out to burn excess energy; working towards a goal; finally biting the bullet; my nearly-always deep sleep; eyeliner; my leather gloves; amusing spelling errors (on a sign at work: Reading is Fudamental); that there is always an end to the hard things in life; telephones; being positive.
Labels: TILT
Oh how I love Things I Love Thursday. I accidentally missed last Thursday and felt all left out over it for a week. I couldn't make a list on Sunday when I read the post because it wasn't Things I love Sunday.
Moving on...
Things I Love Thursday:
Starbucks Mochas: Yeah, I'm pretty sure this one is always going to be on my list. If I could live at Starbucks I would be their with a sleeping bag in a heart beat.
Christmas Decorations: We decorated the office a week ago and I LOVE it! It makes coming to the office so cheery and festive.
Birthday Dinners: Lately I have developed a new set of work friends and since we ended up with five birthdays within a month and a half - we have been having regular birthday dinners at nice restuarants. It makes me feel all grown-up. Tomorrow we are headed out for a dinner to celebrate three birthdays, including yours truly. *squee*
Cute Boy At Work: There is nothing I adore more than a cute boy at work, especially one who makes me giggle and causes me to melt when he flashes his dimpled smile.
Chick Lit: I adore mindless reading - it makes me happy.
Runners Up: Down comforters, new soft sweaters, Christmas parties, Naughty parties, work friends, and did I mention cute boys at work?
I'm not as eloquent as Spiff today.
Things I love today: cupcakery cupcakes, the lack of a hangover, the SNL Jizz in my Pants skit, it being pay day.
Ooo, cute boys at work are fab, and I'm a sucker for some good chick lit.
And amen to pay day, sister.
JIZZ IN MY PANTS! AHAHAHAHA! I'm so happy someone else likes that skit. rofl. I died laughing.
Right now I'm loving my kitty, even when she deletes blomments. Coffee. Singing Christmas songs at the top of my lungs when I'm doing housework. Writing. Wall-E. Hot chocolate. Spring Awakening. And yes....Jizz in my Pants. Quite possibly the greatest song ever penned.
YES! PJs after work are lovely!
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