Things I Love Thursday

Mmm, Thursday! Today is a day of happy.
- Storms Yes, I know that tornadoes are bad and that I live in a place where there are many tornadoes and that it is tornado season. I even know that the lovely storms that sound so wonderful are usually in the process of hurting someone or something far away. That doesn't stop me from liking the way that they sound. I love thunder and heavy rain, and I like lightning as long as I'm inside and away from windows. Twice this week we've had tornado warnings here in College Town - but I'm enjoying it.
via Postsecret
- Hot tub Roommate bought one and it was installed yesterday. We got in last night - at 81 degrees - and nearly froze to death, but by the time I get off work tonight, it should be warm and wonderful. I know I'm repeating myself, but I'm so looking forward to soaking with the jets on, reading a good book and drinking something tasty (and likely alcoholic). I keep thinking of all the naughty, slightly dirty fun that is going to happen in there.
- Percy Jackson Hey, it's totally okay for me to love the same things over and over, and I love these books. The final book in the series was released last Tuesday, but I waited until I had finished rereading the earlier books before I bought it. I started reading it Tuesday evening - and finished last night. It was an action-packed, satisfying end to the story. I seriously encourage anyone who enjoyed Harry Potter (though you might love these even if you didn't), likes adventure stories with great humor, and/or has an interest in Greek mythology to pick these up. They are classified as young reader (probably a fifth to seventh grade reading level, if you ask me), and the first four run around eight dollars in paperback. They make me happy!
- Art I went to the art museum here in town today for the first time in years (the last time I went, I still lived in the dorms, which was even before I started the blog) and I'm so glad I did. I work with a lady who volunteers as a docent and she had recommended the current exhibits to me and recommended the best way to view the galleries. I don't know a lot about art, but the paintings were beautiful, particularly an exhibit of paintings by Jon Schueler. It makes me wish I was wealthy and lived in a big, impressive house that I could fill with gorgeous art.
- Little smiles Asian sesame salad; bright pink fingernails; finding a cute bathing suit on sale; underoos with popsicles; new Moleskine; advance proofs at work; handmade goodies; hard cider; Everwood in my Netflix; not going to work until after 8pm; attempting to let go; getting the giggles; books of quotations that are wonderful and not cliché; listening to A Fine Frenzy and knowing, via Twitter, that there will be a new album eventually; stacks of books; sweet tea vodka and lemonade - I think I shall buy a bottle of the vodka and make it my summer drink; the ease of wearing my hair straight; purple scarves; embroidering again; getting compliments on the owl bag; days that are full of lovely things rather than awful things; laughing so hard I cry and my abs hurt.
Labels: TILT
This week I love: this blog, sunshine, concerts, meeting new people, having fun stories to tell everyone at home, trying a funky new style, plane rides, standing on the deck of a ship with just the wind and endless ocean before me, getting a harmless lapdance, and taking silly pictures!
Little smiles is the best paragraph on here... xxooo
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