Thursday, June 18, 2009

Things I Love Thursday


I am digging for the positives in a very long week. I am also realizing that for the last several weeks, TILT has been a struggle. This makes me very sad, for TILT should be the most excellent highlights of a week filled with excellence. Clearly I need something to change.

  • Breakfast this morning I planned ahead for this, and it was worth it. Warm croissant, fresh strawberries, and almond-kissed coffee while sitting in the shade on the patio. I read an article about Johnny Depp in the new issue of Vanity Fair - which I'm pretty much in love with, if you couldn't tell - and enjoyed getting my daily does of vitamin D. It's not something that I'll be able to do as it gets hotter, but for now it seems like a lovely idea.


  • Books I couldn't love them more. I will never live long enough to read everything that I want to read, but for the moment I am trying to outsmart my lifespan by reading about six books at a time. This is something I used to do when I was younger and my grandma took me to the library every week. I would choose a huge stack of books and start reading every one of them that day, switching from book to book as I felt the urge. I want to live every summer like that forever.


  • Clean Laundry is clean. Kitchen was clean for an hour or two. Bedroom floor is mostly clean. It makes everything feel lighter and lovely.
  • Yesterday I had the day off and I spent well. I went to the bank. I went to a bookstore that isn't Giant Bookstore in order to get away from the feeling that I had to fix things while I browsed (I still felt the urge to fix things, but resisted). I had a cheeseburger while reading a book in the shade. I went to Starbucks and had a passion tea lemonade while I read a different book. I came home and reveled in the fact that my house was empty by cleaning to very loud Paramore. Read a third book while soaking in the hot tub. Watched 300. Fell asleep reading Vanity Fair. Happy.


  • Bits. Pieces. My boss - while things at work are making me homicidal, I genuinely like our store manager and have enjoyed him in the last week; chicken salad; gmail chats with Bradshaw; getting dressed with photographic inspiration; writing; discovering forgotten (cute) items of clothing; cats + laser pointer = extreme amusement; Spark-made damask tote; attempting EFT; Sour Patch Kids; rechargable batteries; Tumblr; slowly regaining my taste for coffee, which has been MIA since I got sick; subscribing to Vanity Fair - it appears a lot because I enjoy it; the kitten who just jumped into my lap; discovering new blogs, even if I did just remember it; accessories in excess; hummus; brave attempts to let it all go.



At 10:18 AM, Blogger Ann said...

No time for a full one.

Leaving work early, cold pizza, Starbucks Fridays, feeing like I'm accomplishing something at work, road trips, out of town baseball games, college friends.


At 7:56 PM, Blogger ruthibel said...

I'm thankful for books too... great literature is one of the fine pleasures of this life!


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