Things I Love Thursday

Happy Thanksgiving, lovelies! Since I missed TILT last week, we get a super-awesome Thanksgiving edition today!
Deliciousness Let's start by celebrating the gluttony of this most excellent of holidays. Turkey, mashed potatoes, brussels sprouts with bacon, cranberry sauce. My excellent sugar-free pumpkin pie (for my grandpa, though it's pretty fantastic even if it is sugar-free). Ooo, and the leftovers. I like leftovers quite a lot.
Glee I'm a total sucker for...well, everything Glee is. Teen dramedy, clever cruelty, fun musical numbers. Add in a revolving door of excellent guest stars and Nic becomes a happy girl. Oh, and I started listening to their Christmas album, which makes me happier than almost anything. Ever. For serious, kittens.
Sparkles As part of the massive Sephora order my mother and I made, I chose two season nail polishes with sparkles. One, called Merry Me, has a ton of red glitter and is perfect for toenails (I kind of feel like Dorothy Gale every time I look down). The other, called 212, is gray with bronze and iridescent flakes in it. It's good for looking at when you get bored because your dad insists of watching episodes of The Lone Ranger while you wait for Thanksgiving dinner to finish. Yes, I can get this much enjoyment out of something as simple as glittery nail polish.
Side dishes sleeping in; Hershey's candy cane kisses; homemade pizza; Puck snuggles; substituting for kids whose parents I know (do you have any idea how effective it can be to look at a kid and say, "I have your mom's number in my phone, and I can make sure she knows how you've been acting today"? So great.); my mom's chili; finally saying it; sleeping in; pomegranate Jelly Belly jelly beans and the fact that my mom got them for me; the bambinos and their sweetness; online shopping; spending $350 at Sephora with my mom (before the 20% discount - excellence); sugar scrubs; strange text conversations (talking fragrance with Hawk = strange); using my imagination; thinking about baking Christmas cookies; the soundtracks from Spring Awakening and Wicked; taking the time to enjoy my coffee in the morning instead of sucking it back because I'm desperate for caffeine; blue raspberry slushes; getting showered and presentable-for-public-viewing (don't be dirty) in less than an hour - this almost never happens; sleeping off migraines; "You look really different today."; thinking of dozens more things to add to this list, but stopping so that I can instead go eat dinner.
Tell me, kittens, what are you thankful for this year?
Labels: TILT
Get ready for a slew of comments. I've been slacking. :)
Being that it's Wednesday, I have almost 2 weeks worth to be thankful for. Here goes.
-pumpkin bread
-a date
-decorating my Christmas tree
-reading your blogs
-finally being done with NaBloPoMo
-mashed potatoes
-talking baseball in my office
-getting things off my chest, and actually writing a physical letter
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