Things I Love Thursday

Most weeks, I attempt to keep a running list of things that make me smile, but I've slacked this week. As such, this list may be...scattered, but here it is nonetheless.
Little favors The nearest Starbucks to my home in Small Town is 80 miles away. This is distressing most days, but particularly problematic during the holiday season because I am obsessed with the gingerbread latte. I've been lamenting and whining for a few weeks, and apparently the mom's been listening, because after she and my dad got home from a shopping excursion yesterday, I was gifted with a venti gingerbread latte. It was delicious and basically made my day.
Bradshaw chats I kind of like her, so talking to her is happy-making.
The best salad ever Mixed greens, crispy bacon, chicken, and pomegranate seeds equals deliciousness. So good. I've made that exact salad four times in as many days, and I'm so far from sick of it I can't even tell you.
Clean floors I've mentioned I'm a pretty terrible housekeeper; I don't like most household chores, so I tend to avoid doing most of them as long as it can't be called unsanitary. Mopping floors is on that list (I sweep, so it's really not so terrible). However, when I actually DO clean, I like the results. My floors are very, very clean today, and I like it.
Glitter and lights and smiles chamomile tea with lemon and a drop of honey - it's probably psychosomatic, but it totally puts me to sleep; learning that there's a new season of Celebrity Rehab (because if you're going to watch reality TV, might as well make it as awful as possible, right?); Hershey's candy cane kisses; downloading oodles of music (mostly Glee, but I also got Duffy's new album); picking apart pomegranates - strangely cathartic; leather gloves; thinking about making Christmas cookies (I have a lightbulb-shaped cookie cutter - so much cute, sparkly potential); stories that make me laugh out loud (most things don't); cherry-blue raspberry slushes; long walks; props vs. demerits; snow flurries (real snow soon, please, Mother Nature); planning excessive Christmas decorating while listening to the Glee Christmas album at a ridiculous volume; fantasies; drawing Secret Santa names at my parents' restaurant and getting the name of one of the few who doesn't suck; "We should throw possums at them."
Labels: TILT
Totally just laughed out loud at the props versus demerits.
Also, I made a list of things I liked yesterday, and I feel spent. I'll try, though, for you.
-my new phone.
That's pretty much all I can think about right now. So that's all you get. :)
Dude, get your butt in gear and come back and post for me.
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