Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Is This What Britney Feels Like in the Morning?

In my experience, electronic communication when one is drunk is almost always a bad idea. Texting, calling, IMing - unless the person is sitting in the same room, you should probably just leave them alone. There are, of course, exceptions. Shooting a tipsy text to a best friend early in the night when you're missing her. I can even get behind sending a slightly inappropriate text message to someone that you'd like to get frisky with. Under no circumstances, however, should you repeatedly text your one-night stand. You will wake up in a tequila haze, re-read these messages, and deliberately roll over and go back to sleep. When you wake up the second time, you'll realize that you owe the kid an apology.

It's also a bad idea to go out with preconceived notions of how your night will end. This leads to disappointment, which leads to moping, which leads to staying away from people at all costs.

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At 8:18 AM, Blogger Ann said...

Your title made me almost snort pop tarts out my mouth. I love your tipsy texts early in the night. The late night ones when I'm asleep, not so much, unless I don't get them til the next morning, in which case, it's a great start to a day.

Don't you dare avoid me. You know what happens when I start worrying.

At 5:03 AM, Blogger Bizz said...

Aw man. :( I'm sorry you had such a shitty night. I hope things got sorted out. Love the title too, btw. Hee. xD


At 4:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Texting is worse when you have a camera phone. IMing is worse when you have a webcam. Neither are a good idea when your drunk. I'm just guessing. I wouldn't dream of taking horrible pics of myself and discovering in the morning that I sent them to an ex I wasn't talking to anymore.


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