Tuesday, August 19, 2008

100 Things

This is post number 100! As is required in the blogging world, here is a list of a hundred things that you may or may not already know about me.

1. I haven’t suffered from insomnia all summer. This is the longest I’ve gone since high school.

2. I have an unhealthy addiction to junk food.

3. I have an addiction to coffee that I consider perfectly healthy.

4. I no longer think of myself as unattractive.

5. I believe that I am merely cute; I am not beautiful or pretty.

6. I am not ready to be a real adult yet.

7. I can think of only two people that I would rather be around than my two cats.

8. I am twenty years early to being Crazy Cat Lady, and I am completely okay with that.

9. About every three years, I find some brand new makeup product/brand to become obsessed with. I am currently enjoying Bare Minerals.

10. I have at least two ideas for stories floating around in my head, neither of which I have managed to commit to paper beyond some vague character sketches.

11. I often wish I had the kind of life that was interesting enough to write a memoir about.

12. I know that if I ever did try to write a memoir, I would piss off my entire hometown.

13. I adore pink in all shades.

14. My ears are very sensitive and I do not like to have them touched.

15. Number fourteen is negated if you are male and know how to do that thing. If you do not know what I mean, you do not know how to do it.

16. I love showing people great things to read.

17. It hurts my heart to know that there are people who do not know the joy that can come from reading.

18. I know I need to stop drinking Dr. Pepper, I just can’t seem to do it.

19. Sometimes I wish I could just find someone to have meaningless sex with and get it over with.

20. Depending on what I read, I want to be a wizard, a princess, a socialite, or a vampire.

21. I know I need a new bookshelf, but I avoid buying one by keeping almost none of my books on shelves.

22. I can, so far, be taught to do nearly any job and will do it well.

23. I love teaching when I’m doing it; I dread teaching when I’m away from it.

24. If I had occasion to wear it, I would have a whole collection of lingerie, both sweet and with a bit of kink.

25. Sometimes I wish I could be as good as Rory Gilmore. I also wish I had her boyfriends.

26. I genuinely enjoy lazy days spent alone at home.

27. As I become more and more set in my ways living alone, I fear the day that I have to live with someone and change those ways.

28. As much as I fear that change, I am more afraid that I won’t find that person to share my space with.

29. I have never sent anything to Post Secret, despite my absolutely adoration for the project.

30. Traveling the world sounds like a fantastic way to spend my twenties, all except for that whole I-have-no-money thing.

31. I believe I look damn good in a sundress.

32. Tequila is my very dear friend.

33. Vodka is my very sincere enemy.

34. Snow makes me really happy. I always feel like a little kid when even the hint of it is in the air.

35. The eventuality of something taking my kitties away from me breaks my heart a little. I try not to think about it.

36. Somewhere along the way, I developed the sort of posture that lets me walk with books on my head.

37. I still find myself slouching from time to time, which infuriates me.

38. I miss the girl I was before 2006.

39. My eyes change colors a bit depending on makeup, clothing, and the light in the room.

40. Newspapers almost always bore me.

41. My cheekbones, while not fabulous, definitely don’t suck.

42. Graduating from college is my biggest accomplishment to date, but I know that I can do more. I just don’t know exactly what that will be yet.

43. Greek mythology fascinates me.

44. Only once have I had the kind of first kiss with a boy that made my heart feel like it was going to jump out of my chest.

45. I have a love-hate relationship with my hair.

46. If I ever do get married, I will not completely get rid of my current last name, though I would also take my husband’s name.

47. I am definitely a person guilty of hubris.

48. I do not believe in a traditional idea of hell.

49. I have near-perfect fingernails.

50. I am torn between wanting to live a “simple life” and wanting to live an “interesting life” – as if the two were mutually exclusive.

51. I do not swim well.

52. I lie constantly.

53. I tell the truth compulsively. This combination makes life interesting.

54. I haven’t updated my dry erase calendar since February.

55. I color-code my schedules.

56. If I died tomorrow and my parents had to clean up my apartment, I would be mortified.

57. The only person to ever make me feel great in my own skin did so when I felt the most unattractive.

58. I don’t think irony is as prevalent as everyone else seems to; I think most people don’t truly understand the concept.

59. I judge books by their covers.

60. I refuse to eat veal; I would feel bad eating lamb.

61. I definitely judge people who shop in the Christianity section.

62. I love the physical act of writing with pen and paper.

63. I look terrible in yellow.

64. Every few years, my musical tastes evolve and change, though I never leave anything behind completely. I love where I am now.

65. I have a passionate dislike for my orthodontist.

66. I’m terrified of having a finger – or my hand – shut in a car door.

67. I hate the sound of my own voice.

68. I overuse semi-colons and dashes. It is mostly because I often write the way that I think, and my train of thought is extremely disconnected.

69. My default font is Arial, not Times. I hate Times.

70. I love receiving compliments, even knowing that this is un-ladylike. I have trained myself to be gracious and simply say thank you.

71. I am consistently drawn to the same colors in clothing and shoes.

72. I love going to the home of someone I don’t know well when they have a pet. I totally bond with animals faster than with people.

73. I have read entire books in a single bath.

74. I love Christmas, commercialism and all.

75. I almost never read non-fiction.

76. I have a cruel streak that I don’t often voice.

77. While I am not embarrassed or disgusted by various bodily functions, I prefer to pretend that they don’t exist than to talk about them.

78. Medicine that makes me drowsy tends to make me an unimaginable bitch.

79. I think wearing underwear is overrated.

80. I love buying makeup, but I usually wear the same stuff every day.

81. Not only does being short not bother me, I like it.

82. I love attention.

83. I hate hammering nails. I’m always afraid I’m going to smash a finger.

84. I like my girly books and movies, dammit.

85. I love wearing tights.

86. I don’t try to figure out the ending of a book before I get there; I think that takes all the fun out of it, and I would rather be surprised.

87. I behave like a three-year-old when I get sick.

88. I have been in love and I have had my heart shattered into a thousand pieces.

89. I hate ironing.

90. My favorite feature is my eyes, particularly my eyelashes.

91. I am consistently attracted to men with blue eyes.

92. Children’s picture books delight me.

93. I have been known to gush.

94. Blogging is an exercise in both editing and catharsis.

95. I care more about what others think of me than I will ever admit out loud.

96. I refuse to settle for being content when I can be happy.

97. I hope that people think of me as much as I think of them.

98. I work very hard not to care what others are saying about me, but it’s a total act.

99. I spend way too much time wondering what might have been.

100. I love making lists.

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At 1:08 PM, Blogger Ann said...

1. I haven't had insomnia since right when I moved into my new place. I like this.

7. I hope I'm one.

9. Damn you for Sephora.

10. If you write them, I'll help edit, and we'll get you published. :)

12. Do it. Piss off the hometown. And I'd want to read that one too.

16. Thank you for Twilight and Phillipa Gregory.

18. Cold Turkey.

19. It's not as great as you may think.

20. Harry Potter, Phillipa Gregory, Gossip Girls, Stephenie Meyer. Right?

21. Buy one anyway. Makes it easier for me to steal next time I come visit you.

29. Me neither.

33. Not as much as Jaeger. *shudder*

34. Ok, Lorelai.

36. I used to practice that. I'm still just as good as I was then.

38. I don't miss mine. Not even a little.

54. Not quite as bad as it being March without it being updated since August (I've seen that one).

55. I color code my experiments.

70. I'm glad you did. People don't compliment unless they mean it.

76. Remember the song? Me too.

79. I'm the same way with clothes in general.

88. Me too.

97. You'd have to have a lot of time to think about me if that were the case.

99. I do the same thing about things that might be, but probably won't.

100. How long did this one take?


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