Things I Love Thursday
Sushi party Someone that the Roommate works with gave her a ton of nori on Monday afternoon. The answer, of course, to a ton of seaweed is to have a sushi party. I do not eat fish, raw or otherwise, so she agreed to make me some teriyaki chicken. At 9 pm Tuesday, our house was full of friends eating food and the smell of soy and sake. The food was delicious, everyone was lovely, and it was well worth the exhaustion the next morning.
Flowers I bought some. I planted them in pots. They now live on the patio outside my bedroom window, which makes me happier than I can explain every time I see them. I made all of this happen on Tuesday afternoon, standing outside in the same cute dress that I had worn to work and the new wedges, happily wedging organic potting soil under my fingernails. It is really very excellent.
Grandma's scarves While I was at home, I did a bit of treasure hunting in my Grandma's house. I was looking for crochet hooks and supplies (which exist somewhere, though I'm not sure where), but instead found her collection of head scarves. I've been wearing them as belts all week. Friday it was a black dress over a navy t-shirt with a red scarf. Sunday night I wore a purple one over a red-orange patterned dress and black cardigan over jeans. I wore a teal gold-patterned number over the little brown dress for the sushi party. Besides being really super cute, it makes me feel good to get use out of something that she enjoyed.
Book discussion It's been on this list for about a month while I anticipated it, and it finally happened Friday evening. Centered around Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief, I had four kids show up - quite possibly the best kids I could have asked for. They spent the entire hour talking with very little direction from me, were totally into mythology, and are super excited for the last book to be released. Because it's a teensy plot point, I bought a ton of blue foods as snacks: blue corn tortilla chips, blue jelly beans, blue M&Ms, and blue Hawaiian Punch. It was a total hit and if I could do something that fabulous every week, I definitely would.
Tiramisu dates Monday night, I met Spark and others at Roomie's restaurant for a tiramisu date. Now, she didn't end up eating tiramisu, but I did, and it was excellent. I had a drink and the girls around me practiced their crochet and it's just nice to get to spend time with people I like, especially after spending a (admittedly blissful) week alone. And yes, we are very cool for sitting at a bar in a restaurant downtown crocheting.(via Spark)
Teensy rays of sunshine half-clean kitchen; mad multi-tasking skills; better-than-expected nights at work; crochet and Zombiebot; books that are alphabetized and Feng Shui-ed; DVD space; a tastier second cup of coffee; learning astrology; book loan; being ready twenty minutes early (this only happens when Nic decides that she doesn't care so much what she looks like if someone looks closely); shirts under dresses; finally finishing American Wife; healthy felines; feeling like things are falling into place; getting paid for doing nothing; misunderstood words that lead to bright red faces and so much laughing; National Sense of Smell Day (that was Tuesday); Across the Universe; playing music so loudly that I can hear it outside; kitties on the screened-in porch; "Do I need to ask to see your ID?"; stacks of Vanity Fair; singing Beatles songs all day at work; cute new shoes; thinking about staying in tonight and eating something tasty while watching my Netflix.
Okay, kittens, I want to hear about your happy week. This was incredibly easy to write (I think with an extra fifteen minutes it would double in length) and I want to know what's rolling your sushi. Oh dear.
Labels: TILT
Aww.. this week sound parfait... my happy week consisted of snuggling, eating better, working out, laundry, playing with Thunder, watching Yankees games and loving my boyfriend.. xxoo
So far this week: getting an oil change, finding season 6 of Scrubs on sale (it was the only one I was missing), new swim suits, getting to see my brother today, my hair ending up darker than normal, coffee, Cards games.
1. The Speak Your Mind Picture!
2. ZombieBot
3. Tiram... no, I think I'll have gnocchi... nights! We need to do this again. I really want the dessert! :)
4. Tudors. I want to watch it soon.
5. Having a day off!
6. Being recognized so much in your post!
Jane Austen movies, even though they make me bitter, coffee, laughing at myself for no good reason, playing my guitar on the porch at sunset, hilariously bizarre dreams, bare feet, looking back at old things I've written and realizing I was much better than I gave myself credit for (won't stop me from thinking my stuff is horrid every now and again, but you know it goes xD), eating healthy, singing loud, being a dork and loving it. ^_^
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