Things I Love Thursday

Better late than never, right? Yesterday was a bit of a zoo and all plans went awry, but here we have it!
- Oodles of free time That's what I had while I was on vacation, and it was fabulous. I finished four books, relearned crochet and made a scarf, spend a lot of time writing, watched a few excellent movies (including Sunset Blvd., which I adored), and spent a whole lot of time watching television. While I know that I would eventually get bored if I didn't have some sort of purpose every day, it was very nice not to have anything I had to be doing.
- Baths I love the way that it feels to lower yourself into the hot water, through all of the bubbles, and just lean back and relax. I tend to read in tub and wear face masks and spend far too much time in the water than is good for my skin, but I love it. And at home, I didn't have to worry about when someone would be coming home wondering why I was monopolizing the bathroom.

- Kittens Yes, again. They're oh so very cute. They kept sleeping with me and it's so sweet I can barely stand it.
- Sleeping with the windows open The weather is gorgeous, and without the windows open it's hot, so windows open it is!
- Hometown food The local pizza place is always the best when you haven't had it in six months, right? Especially when paired with a lovely wheat beer.

- This afternoon It's finally time for the book discussion I've been talking about for weeks! It's going to be so much fun, and I am seriously looking forward to it.
- Little bits Bright blue eyes; Make Me a Supermodel; William Holden - yum Sunset Blvd.; text messages about pork swords; Olay Quench body lotion; looking at summer dresses to buy; sandal weather; when things work out, even if they aren't technically good; growls that turn into licks (that sounds dirty, but it isn't); emergency vets; hearing Marilyn drinking water in the morning; excellent teen fiction; scrambled eggs and bagel for breakfast; strawberry shortcake; possibilities.
Labels: TILT
"growls that turn into licks."
Things I love: Adorable new movies (Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging is fantastic and I'm recommending the shit out it :D), watching the squirrel in the backyard fight off the birds for a piece of cornbread that's almost as big as he is, the cats being best friends and seeing the little guy tackle Roo, slowly getting my inspiration to write back, and finally getting around to reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
Come on, that book was MADE for me. XD
So glad you decided to post this even though its Friday!!! I love the local place to eat especially pizza, ummmm xxxooooo
I love when I deem prepositions unworthy of typing out.
Last week I was back in my own Small Town visiting the parents. We have local pizza and it was divine. :)
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