Tuesday, April 14, 2009


As of tomorrow at 5 pm, I am on vacation. My parents are going on their own vacation, so I have taken off work to go back to Small Town and house sit. Now, there isn't much to do in Small Town since I don't really care for anyone who's still living there and it's small enough that there isn't even a movie theater. There is, however, a lovely house with a giant fancy TV, a big bathtub, kittens, and an internet connection. I have decided that having a few plans can't be a bad thing, and so the following is a list of things that I intend to do in the next week.

  • watch Planet Earth (fancy TV, yo)
  • exfoliate
  • finish the two books I have going at the moment (American Wife and Little Bee by Chris Cleave)
  • watch Netflix and borrowed movies
  • re-read The Lightning Thief and prepare for next week's book discussion
  • sleep in and take naps
  • take multiple baths
  • go without makeup for three straight days
  • eat tasty things
  • write
  • completely vegetate to the satellite
  • blog
  • play with kittens
  • enjoy my own company

Does anyone have any suggestions? If there's anything that you think I absolutely must do, let me know!

*Read number eight in the photo. I think I should make it my mantra.

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At 7:37 AM, Blogger Ann said...

I was actually a bigger fan of number 10.

You must absolutely call me at least once. :) Though probably not this weekend. Lots of family stuff.

At 11:22 AM, Blogger Bri Bri said...

So, who is Jack? I like your list of plans. I'm insanely jealous.

At 11:33 AM, Blogger Bizz said...

Ooooh, yay for Planet Earth! And all that other stuff you're doing. Sounds like a pretty good list to me. lol. Have fun! :D

At 12:08 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

This sounds divine!


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