Running Errands
Today was a day of consumption, kittens. It was weird to have a Monday off work - that hasn't happened in quite some time - but I decided to make the most of it. I slept in, and the last two pieces of furniture that belonged to the girl who lived in this room before have finally been picked up, so I can arrange things in a way that is more what I like. This makes me happier than I even realized it would. First I'm going to vacuum and organize some things, which I've been feeling compelled to do lately.I needed to go to the bank, I got some coffee at work (because there was none in the house, which was really not okay), and headed to Target. I bought a way-cute pair of wedges, Across the Universe, and a string of really

It's raining, or else I would transfer the plants into their new homes. I suppose that can wait until tomorrow. I had a lovely little turkey sandwich on fresh French bread for dinner, and now I am going to grab my umbrella and head downtown to meet Spark at the Roommate's restaurant for tiramisu and maybe a tipple*. And I think tonight, I will sleep better knowing that things are back in the places that they are meant to be.
*This is on the short list for my new favorite words.
Labels: everyday amusements, rambling
You were vacuuming when I called, and your return text would have woken me up if I hadn't had it on silent. Either way, I'm glad your afternoon was productive. Very much not how mine went, but that's ok.
Tipple. Great word. I've been hanging around my Grandma a lot lately and now I'm saying Piddle. As in "Oh piddle, I just dropped my sunglasses." Or "I really need to piddle so open the bathroom door."
Yeah I'm classy like that!
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