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I love this faux cartoon at A Softer World. A bit of browsing leads me to believe that the rest of the site is amusing as well. Others I like include this one and this one. Those with twisted senses of humor (Bizz. Bradshaw.) will likely be particularly appreciative. Hit up the archive.
An article on The Frisky about the kind of women men are really attracted to: Men Love Curvy Women. It made me smile.
Sally at Already Pretty (which is way cuter than the average style blog, in my opinion) writes about Self-Love as Bravery. It made me think. We know how Nic likes thinking.
This. Look at the photo. Read the notes. Feel better about yourself.
Gala's Style Tips nearly always make me smile.
This video is completely ridiculous and so amazing. Love.
Stationary Fetish I've long thought that I have one too. It's likely correct since I adore this little blog.
Sizzle's Let Me Hear Your Body Talk made me laugh for about ten minutes when I read it. I think we've all felt like this at some point.
I'm totally stuck on astrology lately. I like the monthly horoscopes at AstroStyle and AstrologyZone. Mystic Medusa writes some random - somewhat - astrologically-related things on her blog that often totally fascinate me. Of course, ignoring my random obsessions is completely understandable for you kittens.
Finally, anyone who wants to throw some gratitude into their daily lives should take a gander at Spark's blog. She lists things she's grateful for each day, and a handful of us attempt to do the same in the comments. I've been making a conscious effort to be more positive and recognize the things I have to be grateful for this year, and she's helping me with that.
Feel free to share links to things that you're loving too!
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AWWWWWWWWW! YAY! THANKS! I love the so what picture! It's perfect! And I'm totally hitting up stationery fetish and a few of your other links. Great share! :)
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