Sunday, December 31, 2006

Year in Review: 2006

It’s been done, I know, but I’m not feeling particularly imaginative lately, and my online time is limited with this shoddy internet connection. Enjoy!

January I had high hopes for ’06, but the 30th of this month shattered that. I learned that living with regret sucks. A lot.

February Round two in the hellish year: Grandma’s death. Round three came from some spineless “friends.” This month sucked.

March I don’t remember much from this month. Depression, anger, ignoring the vast majority of things relating to school, insomnia. Oh, and I left my teenage years.

April Lots of reading. I was at Barnes and Noble once a week and devouring everything—everything but the British lit I was supposed to be reading for my survey course.

May Kicking ass on a huge class project, doing much better in my classes than expected, moving back to Small Town.

June – August mush together in my brain. I spent a lot of time online and started the Old Blog to help myself deal with my grief. It sort of worked and sort of brought me here. Moved into my apartment in College Town. Late August began the Gilmore obsession.

September Semester begins flying by. My entire life is reading for classes.

October A movie night with K—fruitless. Interest in school begins to wane, but I guilt myself into being scholarly. An uneventful Halloween.

November The blog is in full swing. I hate autumn in Missouri. First major holiday without Grandma.

December K confusion and over-analysis. The semester is finally over. I get sick for the first time in two years. Being in Small Town combined with excessive viewing of Gilmore Girls results in me analyzing boy trouble from nearly four years ago.

Here’s hoping 2007 is less sucky than ’06. and now there’s nothing left to say.

Oh, except happy fucking new year.

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At 4:26 PM, Blogger minijonb said...

indeed... happy fuckin' new year.

no matter what you do, have a great 2007.


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