Monday, January 08, 2007

Unusually Indecisive

I know, I’ve been gone for just about forever, and I’m sorry. The internet here at home (stupid dial-up) has been fritzing out on me, kicking me offline as soon as it’s connected. Therefore, there were no posts. And since I’m not sure if this new working-ness of the internet is going to stick or not, we’ll see how posting goes for the next week. However, I will be back in College Town with my reliable internet service in a week, and then regular posts will resume.

In the days since my last post, many blogable things have occurred, but I’m not sure which I want to write about right now. Therefore, I am giving you, my lovely readers,* a few options to choose from.

Option One: Nic’s New Year’s Eve. This post will include my clothing choices, Nic in a semi-nice rural bar with Mickey and (yet un-blogged-about**) Squint, midnight kisses, drunk dialing, and my parents seeing me drunk for the first time and being completely unaware.

Option Two: Nic’s New Year’s Intentions. An idea I sort of borrowed from Ms. Sizzle. Will include my intentions for 2007 and quite possibly insight into why they exist.

Option Three: Nic is a Big Meanie. A post about how I almost made a girl cry at work and how being a bitch is a double-edged sword sometimes.

Option Four: I’m open for suggestions. Perhaps you’d like to comment and ask questions for me to answer. Perhaps you want to hear more about the people I blog about—the origins of pseudonyms or whatever else tickles your fancy. I’m feeling very open lately.

So if more than two people comment, the majority shall win. What do you want to know about me?
*Of which I believe there are all but two who read consistently.
**I am clearly into making up words today. Yet again, deal with it.


At 2:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

NIIIIIIC!!! Yay! It feels like it's been forever since I've been here. I have missed you girly! *kicks Nic's fritzy internet* Okay, so I am loving this interaction, giving your opinions thing. I realize I do that anyway, but this time you will take it into account instead of just shaking your head at my lameness. :P lol. So, I think all of them sound awesome, but I would especially love to hear about the being a bitch one. Because making girls cry is funny. And I need to laugh. So I vote that one! haha. But I still hope you will share all of them with us eventually. You already know that I think your life is more interesting than mine. ;) So write on, nic. Write on. *hugs*

At 2:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have been gone forever, so long that we were worried about you terribly! I realize the internet problem though, mine did that not to long ago, it sucked! Okay now of course I want to hear about all of these wonderful options, and I am especially inclined to choosing the firt option, and also about hearing more about the people you blog about. I do have to agree with Scribbie though, stories about being a bitch are always a highlight! I can't wait to read all of these wonderful stories because I am positive they will put a smile on my face! Glad you are back with us, I can't wait to read what you have been up too!

At 9:41 PM, Blogger xx Shona said...

I'd love to hear all of them. Option three sounds good, but so do option one and two... whatever you feel like! :)

At 9:26 AM, Blogger Jessi said...

Nic, Nic, Nic, Nic!!!! *runs away to read the winner* =P I finally found your blog.. and you need to show me how to add you to my What I Read thingy still.. Completely random and pointless comment. CHEERS. =P


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