If It Makes You Happy

Today has, so far, been a day of lovely surprises.
When I got up this morning, my roommate was already at work. I like Roommate, don't misunderstand, but most mornings she is still in bed when I am getting ready for work, and I do my best to be quiet and considerate. Today, I was able to wander through the house half-naked, sing, and leave the bathroom door open when I dried my hair.
Speaking of hair, I got mine cut and colored today. I love love love the color. My stylist, who I learned is the same age as I am, came out into the sun with me to look at it and was very happy. I was then pleasantly surprised to learn that it was $15 cheaper than I had anticipated. Score! I decided to take that extra cash to the mall.
While I'm very fond of Philosophy body wash, I didn't find any at Sephora that made me happy enough, so I ventured down the way to Bath and Body Works...where they were having a sale! I got some body scrub that will be excellent for getting pretty for spring.
I stopped at Taco Bell to get a quesadilla snack, and just as I was pulling out to head home (where I had planned to sit on the porch and eat it with my novel), my dad called. He and my mom were in town and took me out for steak, so not only did I get to see my parents and eat steak, I have leftover steak AND a quesadilla to eat later!
Now I am going to go sit on the porch, and I can only hope that something else surprising and lovely happens before I go to bed.
*Doesn't that photo just make you smile? I adore it.
Labels: everyday amusements
You made me smile a lot with this post. I'll comment on TILT in just a little while.
Made me smile too. I love days like that.
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