Sunday, April 05, 2009

Upper-Level Etiquette

Some specialized dos and don'ts that I think we'd all do well to remember in the case of hook-ups. I've collected these both on my own and from friends' stories.

1. Always say hello at some point during the night. There is some merit in kissing before greeting, but the word should be uttered eventually.

2. Used condoms go in the trash can, no matter what is or is not in them. They do not go on the sheets, the floor, next to the wall, or on the nightstand.

3. Ruining clothing is almost never as hot as you think it is. It is more likely distracting and annoying.

4. Cell phone etiquette is the same as that for a date or a business meeting: turn it off or on silent, and no matter what state it is in, do not acknowledge it. Pay attention to the naked person in front of you. Some exceptions may include middle-of-the-night phone calls from work, the best friend, or Mom.

5. Don't scare the pets.

6. Be considerate of roommates and, in the case of apartments and dorms, neighbors.

7. A parting kiss, unless the night is ending on bad terms, is expected.

Feel free to add rules and share anecdotes in the comments. I'm curious to hear what sorts of things others have dealt with.

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At 9:20 PM, Blogger Bri Bri said...

Um... did something happen?

At 7:11 AM, Blogger Ann said...

I've commented on similar happenings. But you read it almost a year ago and commented as well. I don't remember what it said. But it's looking like I only got part of the story.

At 11:33 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Hmm. I think you have more stories to tell.

At 11:45 AM, Blogger nicalyse said...

Not everything I write is autobiographical, nor is it always current.


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